4 Ways To Quickly Stop Your Innovation Curve And Miss The Future

Posted by on April 29, 2020

As an executive coach I have worked with the leadership of companies who are fighting disruption every day for survival. Disruption is so dramatic it really means that you cannot go back to the way things used to be. You absolutely have to change by keeping what is valuable from the past but radically adopting what will work best for the future. This excellent post by Carey Nieuwhof will help you navigate this transition:

“Sure…the world has changed almost unbelievably since mid-March 2020, but stop for a moment and think about how much you’ve changed.

You’ve led through the biggest crisis in a generation, or perhaps a century. And as a result, you’ve innovated.

You went from

Meeting in-person to meeting online
Leading your team in-person to leading your team remotely
A stable financial plan to a completely new financial plan
A predictable org chart to redeploying staff in brand new areas they weren’t trained for
Having no idea how to do what you needed to do to making it work”

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