9 Reasons Our Families And Friends Don’t Believe The Gospel

Posted by on March 7, 2020

The gospel by its very nature is good news. Maybe we need to remind ourselves as Christian leaders why. What is the problem we are solving and the need we are meeting? Ultimately, security and significance can only come through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We must constantly be sharing with each person the right amount of grace and truth so they can see how much the Father loves them. This post by Chuck Lawless is a good reminder:

“Southeastern Seminary, where I teach, is emphasizing “Who’s Your One” this semester. We want all of our administration, faculty, staff, and students to seek to pray for and share the gospel with at least one person during the next couple of months. Based on my years of sharing Christ with family members and friends, here are my thoughts about why folks struggle with believing the gospel.”

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