Major New Research On Declining, Plateaued, And Growing Churches

Posted by on March 10, 2019

The reality that the North American church is in serious trouble is not new information. However, the continuing downward trends should cause even more concern than in the past. It is clearly time to admit we need dramatic change in methodology and passionate prayer for God to move again. This post by Rainer is a must read:

I am grateful to Exponential for engaging LifeWay Research to discern current levels of church health according to a number of factors. While worship attendance trends over a three-year period were a primary indicator of health in this study, the Exponential research also included conversions, income, and staffing in the data.

In addition to the categorization of churches as declining/subtracting (Level 1), plateauing (Level 2), and growing/adding (Level 3), the study looked at two other supplemental categories. A Level 4 (reproducing) church places a high value and priority on starting new churches. A level 5 (multiplying) church takes church planting to multiple generations of congregations.

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