Five Healthy Ways To Run Your Church Like A Business

Posted by on September 2, 2019

All great leadership principles come from scripture and many leaders draw too hard of a line between the secular and sacred. Integrity and productivity are equally as important in the church as they are in the corporate market. So lets not draw inappropriate hard lines between the two leadership worlds that have more in common that we think. This post by Thom Rainer is great:

“One of the most common responses we receive at is something like this statement: “You can’t run your church like a business.” I get it. Our goal is to glorify God. Our goal is to make disciples. Our goal is to be faithful to God’s Word.

Our goal is not to make profits. Our goal is not to adopt secular principles in place of biblical principles. So, when someone insists we not run the church like a business, I understand his or her heart and intent.

But there are indeed some business principles that correlate with church practices and biblical truth. To say we don’t run our church like a business carte blanche may be a signal that we are ignoring sound and, at least indirectly, biblical counsel. Here are five examples:”

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