Pastors Don’t Be Afraid Of Good Leadership

Posted by on September 17, 2019

Pastors lead in a context where their customers are also their volunteer workforce and financial investors all at the same time. No corporate context is that challenging and yet we have to step into taking the risk of our leadership being rejected. Leadership in the church is not easy but extremely biblical. Ron Edmondson has led in different cultures and has some great insights:

“Over the years of writing this blog, the more I have written about leadership and tied it to the church the more critics would email to say I shouldn’t. I shouldn’t tie leadership and the church together so closely.

People have said I focus too much on leadership and not enough on Jesus. (They likely never heard me preach. I mention Him a lot.) People have said I am too business-like. I once got criticized as a pastor for using the word “revenue” instead of “tithes and offerings” when mentioning church finances. Some of my terminology may come from spending over 20 years in the business world prior to vocational ministry.”

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