This current disruption has lasted so long that the impacts will be permanent and require new approaches to ministry. Jesus Christ is still the hope of the world and we have to shift now to make sure He is at the center of our messaging. The culture can always push back on the church or even Christianity. It’s extremely had to push back on Christ. This post by Carey Nieuwhof is a great help:
“You know that people burn out. In fact, given the way you feel, you may have asked whether that’s what happening to you. But here’s a deeper question.
Can a culture burn out? And if the answer is yes, any chance that’s happening to America in this moment?
An accurate diagnosis might be helpful right now because, if you’re like me, as you read the news and scroll through your feed, it’s hard not to feel despair.
I was speaking to a group of next generation church leaders recently, most in their twenties or early thirties, and as I thought about their future, I was reminded of how pessimistic so many of the outlooks on the future are right now.”