About Dan

The merging of the secular and the sacred is the most effective strategy in making disciples.

A unique background qualifies me to accomplish this very important task. At seventeen years of age Christ entered my life and has been transforming me ever since. God placed someone in my life to disciple me and help me learn how to study scripture for myself and take my faith to work.

Many years of successful corporate leadership equipped me to bring the sacred and the secular together in my own life and then in executive church leadership roles. Check out how God has woven these two worlds together in my life at dangreer.com. where I primarily help with executive coaching for c-suite leaders.

For 30 years I have served in leadership roles in both high-level mega-churches and innovative church plants. In most of those cases, my role was executive pastor.

I was blessed to work at Bellevue Baptist Church for 13 years, during its greatest season of dramatic growth. Our first year at the new campus saw over 2500 additions and eventually saw worship attendance grow to over 6,000.

I have helped churches successfully transition from older models that were no longer effective to helping in leading two church plants starting in schools that both grew to over 1500 using multi-site models.

Academically, my Doctor of Ministry degree at Fuller Seminary focused on Church Growth and Leadership. This training equipped me to help every size church grow and reach more people.

Bottom line, Christianity in the 21st century demands that senior pastors work with their church corporate leaders to develop effective ways to take the gospel into the church scattered at home, work and in our neighborhoods.

I am a Christian leader, and my passion is to help develop strategic visionary leaders in both church and corporate contexts. I am absolutely convinced that the merging of the secular and the sacred is the most effective strategy in accomplishing both.


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