Are You Productive Enough?

Posted by on August 1, 2018

I have had to learn some very hard lessons in the area of personal productivity.  I have shifted over the years from notes and to do lists to going paperless with only project management software.  The technology has really helped but it can be a trap if you try to wire everything up in 15 minute segments.  This HBR post asks a great question:

Productive: “Achieving or producing a significant amount of result.”
Enough: “As much or as many as required.”

“As a time management coach, I’m keenly aware that you could answer the question “Am I productive enough?” using a variety of methods. I’m also familiar with the fact that individuals fall on a productivity spectrum. One person’s maximum productivity for a certain role in a particular environment could look vastly different from another person’s. These variations result from a combination of intrinsic ability, experience level, overall capacity, and desire.”

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