Category Archive: Life Plan

Connecting The Clock And The Compass In Life

Posted by on February 17, 2014

The battle between the urgent and the important has never been more difficult to manage.  We are either prioritizing our schedule or scheduling our priorities and we better know the difference.  John Maxwell in this excellent post tries to marry the two concepts into a workable plan:

“Time waits for no man.” You’ve probably heard that saying. And it’s true; time marches on, and it’s up to us to keep up with it. We need to be conscious of the clock, or we’ll never make any progress toward our goals. But I believe there’s more to success than reaching goals. True success comes from significance: doing things that matter…things that last after we’re gone.

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Becoming A Family With Purpose

Posted by on February 12, 2014

It always bothers me when I see extremely competent leaders at work and then they somehow morph into totally undisciplined leaders at home.  We can plan multi-million dollar projects but somehow we can’t find a way or the time for a weekly date night.  This is clearly not a matter of competency but priorities.  This post by Angie Knutson should help:

“Some family goals are the same every year, such as taking one family vacation just the six of us, but many are different from year to year. We create our lists of goals as a family, and the list includes ideas from both kids and parents. The kiddos often have some of the best input!”

Here are five family goals you can set anytime of the year to become a family of purpose and change your family for the better:

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Why You Need To Set Personal Goals

Posted by on January 15, 2014

We live in the reality of smart goals and clear objectives in our corporate life.  Strangely, very few people value that same leadership discipline when it comes to their personal life.  If we believe its ” smart” at work why would we not value the process even more for the people we care about the most?  This was a helpful post on this important subject:

“One mark of high-achievers is goal-setting. Most of the successful people I know make it a priority to place targets at various points in the coming year and shoot for them.

You might already be working on your list of goals now. It could be increasing your income, launching a product, or starting a new business.

All that’s good. Go for it. But don’t neglect the areas you’ll regret the most if you fail to give them your attention.”

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A Call For A "New" Faith And Work Movement

Posted by on December 23, 2013

Far too many Christians live segmented lives where their faith only impacts one part of their lives. We are called to represent Christ in every area of our lives especially at work.  This may be the only opportunity that most people have to see the gospel lived out in the real world.  This is a great video and organization that equips people to represent Christ in the marketplace:

David H. Kim presents the necessity of an integrated faith & work movement that takes seriously the sovereignty of Christ, remembers the renewing work of the Spirit and emphasizes the importance of a narrative comprehensive enough to drive forward the challenge of humanizing work.

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Create Better New Year

Posted by on November 29, 2013

It is that time of the year when we evaluate the current year and start planning for the next.  What got us to this point in our leadership journey will not likely get us to where we need to be next year.  We must constantly be making changes and continuing to learn.  Mark Miller has some great insights on how to create better plan:

“Have you begun you planning for 2014? If you lead an organization, I’m guessing you started months ago. How about your personal plan for a better 2014 – have you begun creating that yet? If you haven’t, now is a great time to start!  I’ve been a fan of individual development plans for many years. I feel the process has helped me grow in all areas of my life.”