Category Archive: Church Scattered

Effective Leaders Value Their People

Posted by on January 20, 2017

Leaders have always been evaluated based on the two extremes of the tasks that must be done compared to the relationship skills involved in motivating the people who will actually do the work.    The theory was some leaders are born project managers and others are great in customer service.

In the old industrial age model of the last century based these either high task or high touch leaders were placed in jobs that maximized their strengths and overlooked their weaknesses.  So if someone could always hit their numbers but had higher rate of turnover they were viewed as someone who was not too good with people but they could always get the job done.

Today in the more highly participative style of leadership that is required to be successful in the 21st century it is an absolute necessity that all leaders prioritize their people skills so they can positively interact with a wide range of constituencies.

Marshall Goldsmith is one of the top Executive Coaches in the market. His greatest book What Got You Here Won’t Get You There is a great read for all leaders who want to reach their maximum potential.  He identifies twenty habits that can completely destroy your influence as a leader.

The amazing thing that he confirms for all of us is that the most critical problems related to executive leadership have very little to do with core industry specific competency or even the expected qualities of productive leadership.

The overwhelming majority of smart, disciplined, experienced and passionate leaders are failing in the one major area of basic people skills.  They do not relate well to their superiors, peers, subordinates and sometimes even customers.

They do not listen, make negative comments about people when they are not in the room, and always tend to punish the messenger when bad news is delivered just to list a few.  Almost always these potential fatal flaws are obvious to everyone but the leader who does not even see them as an issue.

An absolute priority for any effective leader today is to establish a culture within their organization where the truth can be told and they will get the relational feedback they need or these extremely negative blind spots will never be revealed and the organization or team will fail.


Developing A Life Plan

Posted by on January 13, 2017

All of us at some point in time finally ask ourselves if we are living out the script someone else gave us or is it really the life we want.  There are so many outside factors: parents, friends, culture and circumstances that drive us toward an uncertain destination.  Developing a Life Plan starts with a healthy self-awareness that helps you discover who you are and what you want out of life.  This HBR post tells great story:

“Tina was at a crossroads. Her daughter had recently left for college, and her husband had his own pursuits. And although she’d once enjoyed banking, she now bore little interest in her work. For some time, she had been asking herself whether she should quit. But what would her colleagues and bosses think of her?”

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The Self Leadership Secrets Of Extreme Athletes

Posted by on January 9, 2017

I am convinced that the greatest leadership challenge you will ever face is the ability to consistently lead yourself.  Leadership theory several years ago would stress identifying your weaknesses and then work on them until they are significantly improved.  Today even though you must be competent in every area, the emphasis is upon knowing what you do extremely well and maximizing that.  This post by Michael Hyatt has some practical tips:

“Sometimes leading a business can feel like running a marathon. That’s especially true when our goals seem ambitious, daunting, and a long way off. What could the sport of running teach us about reaching the finish line?”

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Change Your Calendar, Change Your Life

Posted by on December 9, 2016

There are two indicators that don’t lie about what our true priorities are in life, calendars and checkbooks.  We have a tremendous amount of leadership responsibility over both areas.  Many times our schedules are driven by others but for most of us we waste a tremendous amount of time doing the wrong things.  This post by Shani Harmon was spot on:

“Many people treat their calendar the same way – as a picture of what is often a very sad reality. Days either booked back-to-back with meetings or hacked into pieces by a scattering of appointments throughout. No time reserved for mental breaks, much less uninterrupted stretches for thinking and creating.”

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Faith vs. Trust

Posted by on December 7, 2016

In the Christian life we are taught from the very beginning the importance that faith plays in our lives.  Without it we cannot know God on a personal relationship level and we cannot reach our potential in this life without putting it into practice every day.

Faith allows us to not only believe that God exists but that everything He has promised us in His word is true.  Beyond that the core issue is that God is able to do what He has said and there is nothing too hard for Him.

If faith answers the question Is God able then trust answers the question Is God good?  Trust goes beyond faith and believes that everything He has asked me to do is not only for His glory but also for my good.

When suffering comes faith will help you to believe that God is able to deliver you out of your trials but trust helps you to rest in the fact that if you are not delivered His grace will still be sufficient.

Most Christians are no longer afraid of what God is going to do to them because they have the complete assurance of their salvation.  However, the major problem is that we daily walk in the fear of  what God might do with us if we fully surrender our lives to Him.

There is no greater deception for the believer than to fear the One who loves you the most.  Yes God is able but far more than that He is also good.

Are You Personally Called Or Professionally Driven?

Posted by on December 7, 2016

It is very important that we all know the difference between these two power words.  If you are not careful and buy into the culture’s definition of success you will be driven to get all the perks of this lifestyle.

Driven people see their career as the primary provider of their physical and emotional needs.  It gives them power, possessions, position, pleasure and all the emotional significance they want from all the outward success they achieve.

Called people on the other hand see their career as a means to a much more important end and that is impacting other people.  They get up every day on a mission to make a difference and the bottom line for them is not profits but people.

I am convinced that called people in the marketplace can be more successful in every way than their driven counterparts.  They have a passion that goes way beyond just showing up for work and hitting the numbers.

All of us have a strong desire to look back at the end of our lives and know that we have made a real difference.  That difference will not be who has the most toys but who has helped the most people.

Why Gratitude Is So Important In The Workplace

Posted by on November 30, 2016

Most of the behavioral issues I deal with in the workplace are because the person I am coaching has lost their perspective.  They focus in on a series of small hurts and dwell on them to the point they become bitter and negative.  In every situation without exception, the key core issue is they are no longer grateful for all the good in their lives.  This Fast Company post deals with why this is so important:

“Gratitude is absolutely vital in the workplace, says UC Davis psychology professor Robert Emmons, author of The Little Book of Gratitude: Creating a Life of Happiness and Wellbing by Giving Thanks, and a leading researcher on the subject. “Most of our waking hours are spent on the job, and gratitude, in all its forms, is a basic human requirement,” he says. “So when you put these factors together, it is essential to both give and receive thanks at work.”

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7 Steps To Help You Improve Your Life

Posted by on November 9, 2016

That time is coming when we evaluate where we are in life and start to make promises that we may never keep.  This whole discipline of personal leadership should be a twelve month a year process and not a once a year time of reflection.  So let’s apply this post by Frances Bridges and create something lasting:

“The end of the year is near, and come the end of December/beginning of January there will be a deluge of articles and blog posts about the best New Year’s resolutions and the best strategies to achieve them. The beginning of the year is a convenient starting point chronologically, but the best time to set new goals and create a plan to accomplish them is now.”

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9 Signs You Have No Work Life Balance

Posted by on November 2, 2016

As I spend a significant amount of time coaching executives, this subject is on the list for areas needing improvement for every person I help.  The sheer volume of professional responsibilities force us to either establish personal priorities or feel like failures at home.  This post by Rachel Ritlop is spot on:

“Working a 9-5 is a major adjustment in your early twenties, and as you grow into your late twenties it can be difficult to know if what you’re experiencing is just the “daily grind” or a total lack of work-life balance that’s adding to your overall stress levels.

Here are nine signs you have lost control of your work-life balance and some tips to rectify it :

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Finding Real Success In Life

Posted by on October 28, 2016

We owe a great deal to several authors who have written excellent books on how to move from success as the primary goal in your life to real significance.  Probably the book Half Time by Bob Buford has made the most life changing impact with people who have worked very hard to be professionally successful in the corporate world only to find their personal life lacked real purpose and meaning.

Significance moves way beyond profits as a definition of success to people and how is my life adding value to others.  Success many times is simply about what do we get at the end of the day, while significance is about what are we willing to give away to make a difference.

If you want to have an eternal impact on the people who are a part of your life you must move beyond significance to surrender.  When you live a total life of surrender your definition of success is totally determined by the One you are following.  This definition alone will give you true significance as He uses your life story to impact other people in ways that will permanently change them for their good.

This means that we must die to the world’s definitions of success as the accumulation of power, position and pleasure and conform our expectations to His perfect will for our lives.  This may include the ability to make a lot of money and have great positions of leadership responsibility.

A surrendered life is one that is lived in total partnership, so that He can use us as He sees best to change the world one person at a time starting with us. There can be no greater definition of success and significance in this life.