Category Archive: Church Scattered

The 4 Habits Every Great Leader Needs To Practice

Posted by on June 22, 2016

One of the casualties of living in this digital age is the warmth of human relationships.  No, I’m sorry a like on Facebook, or a retweet or even a text message can’t replace being there with the person.  With limited face time leaders have to become extremely effective in connecting with their team.  John Rampton has a great post:

“You don’t need to be told that leadership takes presence. But in my experience, leaders today have arguably fewer opportunities to show it.  Particularly if you head up a digital business or lead teams spread out across multiple locations, you’re faced with generating “remote” influence at the same time that the people right there in your own office need to be kept motivated, too.”

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Changing Missions Paradigm

Posted by on June 17, 2016

The one thing that has never changed about missions is that God has always been seeking people to know Him and then to make Him known.  The unchanging message of the gospel started in a garden and will end in a city full of people from every tribe and nation on the earth.

The great commission was given to the early church and they immediately began to carry the message to every part of their known world.  This message was primarily being shared not by a professional ministerial class but by average believers who had a personal story to tell about what Christ had done in their lives.

During the middle ages the formal church was the focal point of representing God to the world.  The emphasis had shifted from individuals to organizations and the world suffered greatly in this period of isolation from the truth.

The reformation gave the scriptures back to the people and set the stage for all that followed in the modern mission’s movement where individual believers once again committed their lives to go into whole world with their message of hope.  However these individuals became part of much larger organizations that took the lead in spreading the good news.

Today the major emphasis is still upon organizations, denominations, mission agencies and other groups that represent primarily the trained professionals who maintain the old paradigms that have existed for hundreds of years.  These groups do a great work and will always play an important role in touching the world.

An exciting new movement is developing where committed Christians are once again being used by God in incredible ways and places where the professional worker model cannot work.  They are using their career calling as a platform not only to make a profit but also to make an eternal difference.

If you want to learn more Great Commission Companies is a great book that points the way to how God is using globalization to break down barriers and effectively create genuine communities of new believers.

Customer Service At Home

Posted by on June 10, 2016

We all enjoy the experience of some organization or person who goes the extra mile and delivers high quality personal service.  In a day when most companies either put you on a phone tree from hell or only allow contact through email it is really nice when another person is simply pleasant and nice.

Mobile Travel Guide declares themselves as the gold standard of travel ratings and reviews.  They rate hotels and restaurants on a system of one to five stars based on their performance.  When you see their sign and there are at least three to the coveted five stars rating you know that the experience will be a good one.

Every day when we all go out into the public world of work and our daily to do list we interact with lots of other people.  Most of the time, we really try very hard to be courteous and polite to others especially if they are customers, suppliers, co workers or friends.  We give, give, and give to other people all day until we are emotionally spent by the time we head home.

When I evaluate my customer service rating at home I have to admit many times I would not receive even one star much less three to five. I treat the people I care about the most with the least amount of patience and kindness.

If the Mobile staff were to interview the people who are the closest to you how many stars would you receive?  I am going to do whatever it takes to consistently improve my score.  How about you?

How Much Is Enough

Posted by on June 6, 2016

We are challenged at every level to make sure we are not wasting our time so we can get the right things done.  What we fail to see is that sometimes we set the bar too high and actually do too much and need to dial back our expectations for success.  Michael Hyatt drives home this point:

“It’s easy for me to overdo things. I know, shocker. What can I say? I like getting things done. But the problem is that when I overdo, I underperform.  For people driven to achieve, it’s a common trap. Even if we pare things down to the essentials, we can plow so deep into those that we’re just wasting our efforts—even while we think we’re making headway.”

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9 C's That Can Kill A Marriage

Posted by on June 3, 2016

Tomorrow I celebrate my 45th wedding anniversary.  There is no leadership challenge that I have faced in corporate life that is as challenging as being the best husband I can be in my marriage.  I have found that when I am leading well at home, work is a piece of cake in comparison.  We hear a lot about taking work home today but the even greater truth is we take home to work.  Mark Merrill has some great practical advice:

“I’m grateful for my 25 years of marriage to Susan, but I can tell you that we’ve had our struggles and we have both had to work hard at having a meaningful, joyful marriage.  There are so many things that can pull a marriage apart these days.”

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The Greatest Barriers To Growth

Posted by on May 27, 2016

I have lived through many leadership life cycles with all different sizes of organizations.  The early days are energized by everyone being involved and quick decision making.  Then as you grow larger processes are put in place to sustain the growth that has occurred.  At some point it time though, the danger is that the process kills the effectiveness.  This HBR post is incredible:

“A large, iconic multinational is now struggling to keep growing while being chased by leaner, more aggressive competitors. To find the next wave of growth, they were taking a hard look at their bureaucracy.  “When I joined the company, the front line management jobs were the best,” the CEO told us. He had started his career in one of those jobs, as a country manager, and worked his way up.”

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How To Break Your Addiction To Work

Posted by on May 25, 2016

At some point in time almost everyday we all want to know How am I doing?  The search for significance meets a very deep need that we all have to add value to others.   The workplace can give you that juice to the degree it becomes like an addiction for meeting our emotional needs.  This HBR post is a must read:

“For many of us, working simply feels good. But just because it feeds your ego or makes you feel important, that doesn’t mean it’s actually good for you. How do you break the cycle of working long hours at the office and constantly checking email at home?”

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How To Become Your Spouse's Best Friend

Posted by on May 16, 2016

We all have this great concern today about the reality that we are all taking too much work home and crashing our family time.  The other side of the coin is that every day we take home to work and both areas demand the best of your leadership. Michael Hyatt has another great post:

“What does marriage have to do with leadership? If you are married, everything. Nothing will undermine your effectiveness as a leader faster than a bad marriage.  Your marriage is a living example of what it is like to be in a close relationship with you. This is why it is so important that leaders get this right if they want to influence others.”

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6 Tips For Better Work Life Balance

Posted by on May 13, 2016

Work life balance is a tough subject for companies and employees.  No one wants to reduce productivity and on the other hand staying connected 24/7 is a prescription for disaster.  This Forbes post offers several practical tips that will help:

“These days, work-life balance can seem like an impossible feat. Technology makes workers accessible around the clock. Fears of job loss incentivize longer hours. In fact, a whopping 94% of working professionals reported working more than 50 hours per week and nearly half said they worked more than 65 hours per week in a Harvard Business School survey. ”

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The Work Life Balance Fallacy

Posted by on May 4, 2016

Work Life Balance as a concept has one serious inherent flaw.  It to some degree assumes that everything has equal value and you end up in a win-lose dynamic when one of your plates stops spinning.  I love the concept of integration and Alyssa Oursler does a great job in her post to clarify:

“It doesn’t take much more than a quick scroll through my Twitter feed to see countless mentions, lists and hacks revolving around the ever-elusive goal of “work-life balance.” The phrase itself gets Googled an average of 50,000 times per month, in addition to thousands of searches for “work-life balance tips.”

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