Category Archive: Church Scattered

The Empty Chair

Posted by on October 26, 2015

The empty chair represents someone who was in your life and no longer is.  The chair is a constant reminder of this painful reality.  For me it started when my mother died when I was only 6.  I would look at old pictures just to see her sitting at the table.  After she died, my dad and I never ate together but I always noticed the empty chair.  I hated that chair.

The next major crisis for me was when my daughter lost her husband to leukemia at the age of 31 over a three day weekend.    We were absolutely shocked and horrified.  I will never forget as long as I live when the funeral was over and we came back to her house for that first meal and there it was the empty chair.  Thats when I cried a lot and still do every time I see it.

The empty chair is not just about missed meals together it represents all of the misses. The date nights, ball games, piano recitals, riding bikes, throwing footballs, birthdays, anniversaries, holidays and so much more.  The sound of the garage door opening, the good night kisses and the best friend who is gone.

There is an even more painful reality than the death of a loved one.  It is when someone is still sitting in the chair but in their heart they are not there.  To have someone to be here but not there is far more cruel to everyone at the table than to be dead.

So the challenge for everyone who reads this is to be sure you are present with the people you love.  Just showing up is not enough.  Unplug from yourself and all your problems and genuinely tune in to the people that matter the most.  The kitchen table is one of the most sacred places in all of life be there.


7 Things There Will Never Be Enough Time For

Posted by on October 23, 2015

One of the biggest turning points in my leadership journey was when I saw Stephen Covey’s Time Management Matrix in 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.  Up until that point, I was almost 100% reactive and never thought about taking responsibility for things that were important but not urgent.  Carey Nieuwhof does a great job with taking this principle to the max:

“There are at least 7 things in leadership there will never be enough time for…unless, of course, you make it. And smart leaders do. My guess is that whenever you read this, you’re already feeling pinched for time and a bit overwhelmed.”

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9 Hard-Earned Leadership Lessons

Posted by on October 21, 2015

As I look back on my leadership journey, I am shocked at some of the major responsibility I had as an overly aggressive 30 year old.  I was confident and even cocky.  Back in the dark ages hitting the numbers was even more of a big deal and hard work was rewarded.  I am a far better leader now and the difference is the wisdom that only comes through experience.  Vivian Giang takes this idea and gives some great insight:

“No matter how talented or intelligent you are, many of the greatest lessons—in business and in life—don’t come until after years of experience. Oftentimes, when looking back, these are the lessons the most successful people wish they knew when they were in their 20s. Other times, they’re glad they didn’t know them, as knowledge sometimes hold us back in the wrong ways.”

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5 Myths About Burnout

Posted by on October 16, 2015

This is a heavy but necessary subject for everyone to deal with seriously.  I have experienced burnout and it is a scary place to be.  You are in a dark place and you don’t know why, therefore you don’t know how to get out.  Paula Davis-Laack has done her homework:

“Burnout is a work-related process of chronic stress and disengagement, and if you’ve ever been through it, you know the toll it can take on your work and life. The worst year of my career was the year I burned out practicing law, and it took me over a year to self-diagnose the illness that ended up changing my life.”

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5 Character Tests That Every Great Leader Passes

Posted by on October 5, 2015

When I started this leadership journey in corporate life competency was the ultimate factor in hiring and promoting leaders.  Your resume which showed your academic credentials as well as your experience trumped everything else.  Stephen Covey with 7 Habits broke new ground and shifted the conversation to character driven people.  Carey Nieuwhof has a great post:

“The longer I lead and the more I see, the more I’m convinced that character ultimately determines a leader’s true success. Moral failure takes out more leaders than it should. But real success is deeper than just avoiding the ditch.”

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4 Things Every Parent Must Know About Teen Friends

Posted by on October 2, 2015

There may be no more scarier time in life than trying to get through the teenager years.  The short term pain of watching them fail for the long term gain of building character is brutal.  One of the most powerful forces in their lives are friends and you need to be on your game:

“How do you let your teenagers go but at the same time keep them safe? After all, it’s tough being their age these days. Teens are growing up in a world that worships freedom to do what you want, rejects responsibility, and provides many ways for them to do both.”

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Tips For Being A Morning Person

Posted by on September 21, 2015

This is a subject to me that is a lot like exercise.  I hate thinking about it ahead of time but I believe that it was a great idea once its over.  I love to sleep in just like most normal people but the cost is simply too high.  This post by Stephanie Vozza is both practical and full of great ideas:

“The first hour of the morning is the rudder of the day,” said 19th-century social reformer Henry Ward Beecher, and a couple of centuries later, the sentiment still holds true. A great morning can set the tone for a great day, while a bad morning can make us want to give up and go back to bed.”

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God’s Passion For The Cities

Posted by on July 19, 2015

We know from reading scripture that God cares about every person on the planet and there is not a people group that is outside of His global plan of redemption.  However, we cannot miss as we read the Bible that God has always had a heart for the cities where the masses are living.

God’s passion comes out for the large cities in the book of Jonah in an incredible way.  He is moved by the multitudes that do not know Him and declares, “should I not pity Nineveh, that great city, in which are more than one hundred and twenty thousand persons who cannot discern between their right hand and their left.”

Even a nation like Babylon that was wicked in the sight of God to the degree that He promised to totally destroy its evil culture, God through Jeremiah tells His people who are living in captivity there, “And seek the peace of the city where I have caused you to be carried away captive, and pray to the Lord for it; for in its peace you will have peace.”

Throughout the book of Acts and the birth of the missions movement as we know it today we see God consistently sending his missionaries to the largest cities of that day to reach out to the greatest number of people possible with the message of the gospel.  We read many stories of individuals coming to Christ but when God was reassuring Paul about pending persecution He reminded him, “for I am with you , and no one will attack you to hurt you; for I have many people in this city.”

The grand plan of worldwide redemption starts in a garden goes through a cross and ends in a city.  Yes God cares about the one individual that lives in remote Montana or Malawi but He also knows that the largest number of people in 1st or 21st century will always be found in the cities of the world.

How can we too not have compassion and prioritize reaching the millions that live there who still to this day cannot discern between their right hand and their left.


How To Communicate Better In Marriage

Posted by on February 20, 2015

I really believe that whether you are similar or extremely different from you spouse both can be an advantage or a weaknesses depending upon your motives.  If you are different and your motive is to complete then it’s an advantage but if your motive is manipulation then you will use that same difference for correction.  Mark Merrill has some great practical insights on better communication:

“One of the greatest challenges in marriage is to learn how to talk and listen to a spouse who has a different style of communication than our own.”

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How To Be A Better Listener

Posted by on February 18, 2015

I am a problem solver by personality and giftedness so this one is very painful for me.  I often am the one leading a meeting and therefore I am always thinking ahead about whats next.  What I miss often is the intent of what the other person is saying and therefore my solutions are not as effective.  Art Markman tells us what we all need to hear so listen up:

“Next time you’re at a meeting when you are not a central participant, take a couple of minutes and watch some of the other people at the table. Most of them won’t even look like they are listening carefully.”

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