Category Archive: Goal Setting

Why Creating Instant Momentum Is Key To Reaching Goals

Posted by on September 24, 2018

I cannot begin to remember all of the times I have developed great ideas with clear direction only months later to realize nothing happened.  Many other times, I have started but never seemed to be able to keep moving forward with clear progress.  This Forbes Coaches Council post was very helpful:

“Dreams are very fragile things. When you’re inspired by the possibility of an idea, unless you take immediate action, your dream will fade, and you’ll regret it forever. On the contrary, if you overthink or over-plan something, inertia sets in, and you never get started. You talk yourself out of taking action.”

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How To Set Goals That Support Life Balance

Posted by on January 29, 2018

There is more and more pushback, especially from Millennial workers, about the expectations about doing work almost 24/7.  I also often remind executives the other side of the coin is that we all bring home to work.  Bottom line, if we don’t have work life balance it dramatically impacts our sense of well being and productivity.  This Forbes post was helpful:

“This time of year, pretty much everyone’s talking about goals. The clean slate of a new year is pretty irresistible, after all, and any leader knows how important it is to set goals. Most of us are pretty goal-oriented people.”

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How To Connect Strategy To Sustainability Goals

Posted by on November 3, 2017

It’s really amazing how long we have been talking about empowering people and yet we consistently miss the best ideas coming from the people on the front lines.  In essence we talk a lot about knowledge workforce and yet we still walk like all the best ideas come from the top down.  This HBR post nails it:

“In a recent survey, Bain & Company found that just 2% of companies are successful in achieving their sustainability goals. While this can be disheartening, it doesn’t have to be this way.  The company I lead, Ingersoll Rand, is a 146-year-old organization that over the past few years integrated sustainability and business strategy to anticipate and address major global trends, most prominently climate change.”

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5 Keys in Setting Goals

Posted by on February 15, 2017

All of us have experienced the frustration that comes from really wanting to accomplish something important and thinking we are really committed to it only to realize several months later it did not happen.  When I evaluate personally and professionally where the breakdown occurs it usually centers on the disciplines involved in effective goal setting.

These are the five critical things I have learned over the years:

  1. Write it down—if it is not important enough to write down in your personal planner or enter into your cell phone list then it will almost always never get done.
  2. Check your resources—do you realistically have the time, energy, knowledge, skills and commitment to make this happen?
  3. Make it clear—you must be very specific about what you want to accomplish.  It cannot be I want to lose weight; it needs to be twenty pounds over next six months.
  4. Develop your plan—strategy is the realistic intersection of resources and commitment.  There is a big difference in walking twenty minutes five days week and training for marathon.
  5. Evaluate your progress—this is where the rubber hits the road.  Do it often until you know you have sustainable momentum and most important celebrate every win.

The old expression if you don’t measure it then it probably doesn’t matter still rings true to me.

Leaders Effectiveness In Strategy Or Execution

Posted by on January 22, 2016

There are clearly two extremes in the leadership world today.  Some leaders are incredibly creative and can translate that into a workable strategy.  Others are wildly successful in getting the ball over the goal line and meeting expectations.  This HBR post reveals some harsh reality about leaders that needs to be understood:

“In a 2013 survey of nearly 700 executives across a variety of industries, our firm asked respondents to rate the effectiveness of the top leaders of their companies. How many excelled at strategy? How many excelled at execution? The results are shown in the chart below.”

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5 Major Goal Setting Myths

Posted by on January 15, 2016

This post by Michael Hyatt reminded me of several mistakes I have made over the years in setting goals.  The process we use many times is more of a hindrance to success than the challenge of the goals themselves.  See if you find yourself in this post and lets get better at getting the important things accomplished:

When it comes to making progress towards what matters most in life, there are at least five major myths we need to avoid like quicksand.

Over the years, I’ve seen these rob countless people of happiness, success, and significance—me included. Have you fallen for any of these?

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The One Quality You Must Develop To Reach Your Goals

Posted by on December 28, 2015

There are so many different factors that must be in place for you to reach your true potential.  Many of these skills and values can be learned and some can not.  This post by Michael Hyatt was a great read:

Researcher Angela Lee Duckworth studied West Point cadets, National Spelling Bee contestants, teachers in tough schools, and sales peoples, asking who would succeed and why.

“In all those very different contexts one characteristic emerged as a significant predictor of success,” she said in a popular TED talk. And it wasn’t the usual suspects. What was it? “It was grit.”

Duckworth defines grit as “passion and and perseverance for very long-term goals … sticking with your future, day in day out.…”

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Big Hairy Audacious Goals

Posted by on November 13, 2015

There has always been a delicate balance in goal setting between what can be done and what could be done.  Goals should be realistic and achievable but they also must be courageous and challenging.  Safe is not good enough anymore and we must be willing to take risks that stretch us outside our comfort zone to achieve greatness.

I absolutely love this quote that is extremely timely in our current environment, “Far better to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much no suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory, nor defeat.”  Theodore Roosevelt, 1899

When President Kennedy said in the early 60’s we are going to land a man on the moon and return him safely by the end of this decade the overwhelmingly majority of people thought he had lost his mind, and yet we did it.

The world has changed dramatically in the last decade.  The power of technology and the globalization of all the world economies are driving change in unprecedented ways that no one could have imagined either just a few years ago.  When this recession is over we are never going back to the ways things used to be.

What goals are you setting for yourself and your organization that are commensurate for the challenges that lie ahead in the 21st century?  They must be big hairy and audacious if they are going to lead to outstanding performance.

4 Common Mistakes In Goal Setting

Posted by on September 17, 2015

If goal setting is so simple why do so many of us never reach them?  Even though the methods may differ, the common principle is to state clearly what the outcome is you want to reach.  I am always looking for new techniques and this post by David Whitt is very helpful:

“Performance expert John Hester identifies four common mistakes that managers make when they set goals for employees in the latest issue of Ignite!  The negative result is poor or misaligned performance, accountability issues, blame and resentment—not to mention countless hours spent reviewing tasks and redoing work.”

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Good Goals Are Smart Goals

Posted by on September 7, 2015

You have heard it said that if you don’t measure it then it really does not matter.  There is a tremendous amount of truth in that statement.  But the reality is that you can’t just throw out a percentage number you want to grow your revenue next year it must be realistic.  These principles by Ken Blanchard will work in any context:

“Although most managers agree with the importance of setting goals, many do not take the time to clearly develop goals with their people. As a result, people tend to get caught in the “activity trap,” where they become busy doing things, but not necessarily the right things. In his book Leading at a Higher Level, business author Ken Blanchard recommends that managers set SMART goals with their people. SMART is an acronym for the most important factors to remember in setting quality goals>”

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