Category Archive: Leadership Development

The Problem Of Leaders Adding Too Much Value

Posted by on July 7, 2017

Every day we have conversations with people who are trying to tell us something we already know.  Most of the time we interrupt them in mid sentence and complete their thought so we can move on to something else that we think is more important.

There are sometimes when this is very appropriate, especially where timing is extremely important and we must make decisions quickly.  However, the vast majority of times our stopping them is totally inappropriate for a variety of reasons.

First of all, we really do not know for sure all that they were going to say. Many times they do know something we need to hear but we are too impatient to wait and listen.  Also, we have this need to impress people with our knowledge and experience to the point we come across as rude and insensitive.

In a business environment we feel justified in cutting to the bottom line for productivity sake but we fail as leaders to see the value in allowing other people to participate in the process.  If you only see your team as a means to your predetermined end, then in reality they are only attending this meeting for their information and not for their involvement.

The willingness to listen to someone regardless of the value of the information communicated is an investment in them as a person.  The agenda is no longer what can they do for me but how can I help them develop.

There is a time to add value and genuinely help someone by what you know but only after they have had their opportunity to shape the conversation first.  Nobody likes someone who always thinks they know it all.  Let’s be sure we are not that someone.


4 Critical Factors In Communicating A New Vision

Posted by on June 28, 2017

After you know that you have top down buy in to the new vision for your organization, you need to create a team that can develop a strategic plan that will allow you to move into the future.  I cannot tell you the number of times I have reached this point in the process with great new ideas and the approval to implement the necessary changes only to fail.

The next step is extremely important is communicating the changed vision.  In all my years of doing this, I think this is the beginning point of where the process starts to break down.  We all have served on teams and worked for months on change initiatives and come out of the process totally together and passionate only to meet one year later trying to decide why the plan died.

What we simply fail to remember is that we have thought, discussed, and even hotly debated these ideas for literally hundreds of hours and the people who are on the front lines for execution have had no exposure whatsoever.  We always undervalue the process of bringing everyone else up to speed and wonder why in the end they simply don’t get it.

There are several key criteria for effective communication:

  • Keep It Simple
  • Use Multiple Forums and Methods
  • Repetition, Repetition, Repetition
  • Environments That Allow Give and Take

 The only way I have found to know that people have got it, is to let them hear everything they need over time and then let them ask questions and give back to me in their own words what we want them to understand.

Another very important aspect of communicating vision is that the leaders must be prepared to immediately walk their talk.  John Kotter writes based on his research, “Nothing undermines the communication of a change vision more than behavior on the part of key players that seems inconsistent with the vision.”  If the vision is empowering teams and the top leaders of the company are still micromanaging everything you can be sure the plan is dead.


Improve Team Collaboration With These Skills

Posted by on June 26, 2017

Collaboration is a very hot topic in team world but a very misunderstood concept.  What is should never mean is that everyone needs to be in the room and everyone should have an equal amount of time to express themselves.  This leadership strategy has to produce more effective results or you should not use it at all.  This post by Melinda Fouts is excellent:

“What is collaborative teaming in an organization? When we look at this concept, a good analogy is to think of the word “team” like playing on a soccer team, for instance. Continual communication is critical to the team’s success, requiring frequent collaboration between team members to deliver a winning solution or service.”

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Developing Leaders For Life

Posted by on June 23, 2017

The whole idea behind The Convergence Point my leadership development company is that people will be able to sort through all the noise and activity that is out there and find real meaning and purpose in life.  This means that we really need to know what we want and make sure we are willing to pay the price to get it.

I want to erase the artificial lines that exist between the personal and professional.  The cost is too high to succeed in one only to fail in the other.  It’s not really work-life balance we are looking for but life work integration.

For most of us this means that we will have to be willing to buy into the whole concept of Less is More.  The overwhelming majority of us have full calendars but empty hearts.  To create the margin we need for meaningful relationships something has to go.

It may be something as simple as less entertainment and more conversations.  It may be something as complex as changing careers and downsizing to create the emotional space we need to move the people we care about to the top of the list.

Life is a journey and we only get to do this once.  I can think of nothing more important than the merging of your values and your voice into the everyday Business of Life.

Why Leaders Are Hired For Talent But Fired For Chemistry

Posted by on June 21, 2017

The two primary things you used to look for in hiring new leaders for your team were character and competency in that order.  However, with the increasing need for collaboration, I believe there is now a third “C” and that is chemistry.  The ability for the new person to fit into the existing culture and work well with both our process and our people is critical.  This HBR post is helpful:

“Over and over again, organizations are unable to appoint the right leaders. According to academic estimates, the baseline for effective corporate leadership is merely 30%, while in politics, approval ratings oscillate between 25% and 40%.

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How To Have Difficult Conversations When You Hate Conflict

Posted by on May 24, 2017

This issue is one of the hardest things I have to deal with in working with leaders who are wired to avoid conflict.  My only effective coaching strategy is to show them through their own experience that the longer they wait the higher the price.  So if you hate all the drama, deal with it early and the outcome will be well worth the risk.  Excellent post by Joel Garfinkle:

“Avoiding or delaying a difficult conversation can hurt your relationships and create other negative outcomes. It may not feel natural at first, especially if you dread discord, but you can learn to dive into these tough talks by reframing your thoughts.

Begin from a place of curiosity and respect, and stop worrying about being liked. Conflict avoiders are often worried about their likability. While it’s natural to want to be liked, that’s not always the most important thing. Lean into the conversation with an open attitude and a genuine desire to learn. Start from a place of curiosity and respect — for both yourself and the other person. Genuine respect and vulnerability typically produce more of the same: mutual respect and shared vulnerability.”

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Your Team Is Brainstorming All Wrong

Posted by on May 22, 2017

It is often said in sports that how you prepare before the game will determine how well you play in the game.  I believe that is also true about meeting effectiveness as well.  The amount of work that is done before the meeting will determine how well your team can actually use collaboration to obtain great work.  This HBR post is excellent:

“When your team is tasked with generating ideas to solve a problem, suggesting a brainstorming session is a natural reaction. But does that approach actually work?  Although the term “brainstorming” is now used as a generic term for having groups develop ideas, it began as the name of a specific technique proposed by advertising executive Alex Osborn in the 1950s. He codified the basic rules that many of us follow when getting people together to generate ideas: Toss out as many ideas as possible.”

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3 Steps To Resolving Conflict

Posted by on May 19, 2017

All of us at some point in time will have conflict and disagreements with someone else either in our personal lives or professionally at work.  These situations can be painful at times but seeking resolution is the only way to maintain positive momentum in your life.

There are at least three critical steps that you must take if you want to restore the relationship and move forward in your own life.

  1.  Own Your Part—In every disagreement there are always two sides to the story.  I have never known a situation where there was not some responsibility for the problem with both parties.  If we think the other party is the major offender then we tend to wait for them to make the first move.  Instead we need to take whatever percentage of the problem is ours even if it’s minor and do what we need to do to admit it and ask for forgiveness regardless of what the other person does.
  2. Talk To Person Privately—Most of the time when we are having problems with another person we tend to go to other people first and complain or try to find emotional support.  What we should do is go privately to the person who offended us first and tell them in a respectful way why we are offended and give them a chance to respond.  When we are talking about someone else to another person rather than talking to them the situation will only get worse.
  3. Give Them Benefit Of Doubt—When we sense that a conversation is not going well and we can tell it may hurt us we have a decision to make.  We can either assume the worst about the other person’s motives or we can believe the best.  Many times if we can give them the benefit of the doubt at this critical moment then even though it may still hurt there will be no lasting damage because we give them a pass because we trust their heart.

The reason many times we can so easily see problems in other people is those same things live within us.

6 Ways To Energize Your Team

Posted by on May 10, 2017

I have often said that leaders more than anything else are dealers in hope.  You are the emotional thermostat for your team. If they sense your positive attitude it will give them the confidence that we will get through this and win in the end.  This Michael Hyatt post is excellent as always:

“As a leader, you have an effect on people. When you leave the room, people either feel taller or smaller. This is an almost super-hero power, but, unfortunately, leaders are often unconscious of it.  A few years ago, I met with an author I had always admired. It wasn’t our first meeting; I had met with him a few times previously. I had always enjoyed being with him and left our encounters with a renewed commitment to serve him well.

But this time was different. He marched into the meeting with an entourage of assistants and a heavy dose of entitlement. Something had changed.”

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The 3 Critical Steps Of Execution

Posted by on May 5, 2017

It is amazing to me how all of the most respected people in the field of leadership are so consistently saying the same things about the most important things that all organizations need to be doing.  It really started when Steven Covey wrote Seven Habits of Highly Effective People followed by Jim Collins Good to Great and now every bestselling book on leadership prioritizes the same factors.

Execution is a great read by Larry Bossidy and Ram Charan.  They define execution as the discipline of getting things done.

They start with the number one issue of the day the personal character of the leader.  If you are not able to execute your own personal priorities then you will never be able to establish execution as a priority for your organization.

In the spirit of Good to Great they insist that the leader must never delegate their most important responsibility of getting the right people on the team.  This factor more than any other will determine if you r people can consistently move beyond creative development and project planning to actually get the job done.

The next priority is to create a culture of discipline where execution is valued.  A great insight is that we don’t think ourselves into a new way of acting, we act ourselves into a new way of thinking.  Translation, at some point in time we need to stop talking about the problem and start doing something to solve it.

Finally, after the leader has set clear goals and priorities you must evaluate the effectiveness of your strategy.  Then it is extremely important to reward the doers who are actually getting the job done and this will move execution to the top of your leadership core values.