Category Archive: Leadership Development

5 Steps To Get Honest Feedback

Posted by on December 26, 2016

One of the things I experience in my executive coaching over and over again is the tremendous negative cost of leaders  not having a willingness to tell people the truth.  People really do want to know what is expected and where they stand but insecure leaders can’t seem to have the honest conversations.  This Forbes post will help you get the feedback you need:

“As an executive coach, some of the saddest moments I witness is when someone gets feedback…too late. “I was shocked” said one leader to me recently. “It felt like a kick in the stomach coming from someone I trusted.” Her voice cracked as she said this to me. It was clear she was trying to contain her emotion.”

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How To Intentionally Build Great Teams

Posted by on December 21, 2016

I have learned more from Patrick Lencioni on this subject than anyone else.  Jim Collins nails the importance of getting the right people on your team but Lencioni takes the next step and talks about how to create the right culture that leverages trust to drive results.  Great post to read for helping your teams:

“As Larry Page, the co-founder of Google, once said, “It’s amazing what you can achieve with the right leader and a healthy disregard for the impossible.”

I admire great teams at work. They’re cohesive and individual success is often a result of collaboration. Their leaders put their own interests aside and they have a clear vision.

Knowing the ingredients of what makes a great team is the first step. You’ll have to travel great distances to find a better expert on organizational health than Patrick Lencioni. Luckily, his office is 8 miles away from my house in the bay area.”

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Generational Leadership Wars

Posted by on December 14, 2016

I remember speaking at a national conference on the subject of Leadership for 21st Century.  The major point of my presentation was the need to shift from a positional leadership model to a participative one.

The feedback after both of my sessions confirmed everything I have been reading and experiencing on this subject.  The consensus is there is very little honest and clear communication taking place between key leaders and their teams on an ongoing basis.

The challenge for most corporations today is that the majority of senior management positions are filled by baby boomer age leaders who know primarily a positional leadership model.  They were trained that way academically and that is the only system that has been a part of their entire career.

The new workforce is made up of Generation X and Millennial employees that have an entirely different world view that impacts how they view their career and life in general.   They are highly motivated and want to be a part of an interactive team where they can actively participate in the process of leadership.

If we do not provide the critical situational leadership skills that both new generations need then we are creating unnecessarily a leadership cultural war that can destroy morale and diminish productivity.  The result of any lack of relevant training is that the older generation think the younger ones are too aggressive and the younger ones are convinced that the old guard will simply not let go and delegate.

How To Escape The Procrastination Doom Loop

Posted by on December 5, 2016

I have come to believe that time management is a flawed concept.  The real issue is the ability to set daily priorities and the willingness to change the plan based on better opportunities.  However, I still find myself at times stalled and not really knowing why I am not making progress.  This Forbes post was helpful:

“When you imagine a highly productive person, you likely think of someone who focuses effortlessly on the job and never succumbs to procrastination. You know, the type who can sit on the ground in a subway station with their laptop and still manage to get more done in an hour than you would in a day at the library.”

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The 4 Types Of Ineffective Apologies

Posted by on November 28, 2016

I have become an expert over the years at giving a conditional apology.  The first part of the statement of regret is usually close but then comes the rational reason why I did the wrong things.  My motives have also been an ongoing issue, to relive the awkward situation far more than genuine remorse for my offensive behavior.  This HBR post is an excellent read:

“It’s hard to admit our transgressions — to look someone in the eye and offer a sincere apology. But apologies are essential for repairing relationships in the workplace. They show that you value the relationship and that other person’s point of view.”

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Your People Are Your Competitive Advantage

Posted by on November 16, 2016

A few years ago Mark DeMoss wrote a great book called The Little Red Book of Wisdom.  He shares the personal and professional core values that helped him develop one the most successful Public Relations firms in the country.

Just as Jim Collins did in Good to Great and Jack Welch in Winning he drives home the most important asset for any organization are the people who work there.  He states in one chapter, “the implication is that in business, how you treat your people trumps what you do with your clients, schedules, output, and spreadsheets.”

He believes there are four major motivators in attracting and retaining the best of the best.

  1.  The first is mission—People need to totally buy in to the big thing your company is all about.
  2. The second is a good leader—Not the smartest or the brightest but someone who knows where they want the organization to go and has the character to lead.
  3. The third motivator is corporate culture—This aspect is especially important to the next generation workforce because they must have an environment that is participatory and not highly directive.
  4. The forth factor is compensation and benefits—This goes way beyond the basics to giving special recognition to best people who over time earn up to six weeks of paid leave and a $10,000 bonus.

For years everyone thought the most important decisions a leader had to make was What their organization needed to do in the area of products and marketing.  Now the focus has shifted to Who are the people on your team.  Get the right people and they will help you define the What, How, When and Where.

The Leadership Law Of The Inner Circle

Posted by on November 14, 2016

This by far is one of the most important principles identified by John Maxwell in the realm of leadership.  The simple definition of the law is that a leader’s potential is determined by those closest to them.

As any organization continues to grow the leader cannot continue to spend equal time with every person on staff because of time constraints alone.  This means that eventually the majority of a leader’s time will be need to be spent with the top 20% of their leadership team.

It is a proven leadership principle that they in turn will produce at least 80% of the desired results because of the scope of their impact throughout the entire organization.  The leader is incredibly dependent upon this inner circle because they are responsible for providing the best information possible upward for decision making and they are also responsible for the downward execution of all planning.

Leaders of large organizations should still spend some time managing by walking around and maintain some personal contact with all levels of staff.  However, the purpose of this interaction is for personal encouragement and visibility and not for problem solving and day to day decision making.  The leader can be involved to some degree with everyone but they must invest themselves only in the inner circle because they are the key to continued growth and outstanding performance.





Leadership Is About Promising To Listen Well

Posted by on November 7, 2016

We all struggle with the commitments we make either to ourselves about eating a healthier diet or to someone else about something we said we would do and simply forgot. When we want to take our commitment to the next level we start making promises.

A promise is defined as a declaration that something will or will not be done and there is assurance given and an expectation created.  Promises should be reserved for the top priorities and the people we care about the most.

One promise we should all be willing to make to the people that matter is that I will carefully listen to what you have to say.  As Stephen Covey said in Seven Habits of Highly Effective People we should first seek to understand the other person before we ask to be understood.

Our motives are no longer to show how smart we are, win the argument or avoid pain.  We sincerely want to understand what the other person is thinking and feeling to the point we acknowledge their value as a person.

Listening involves time and a willingness to be patient until we have embraced all that the other person wanted to share.  Think of at least one person in your life today that you really care about and make a promise that I will lay down my agenda for the benefit of someone else.


Ten Unmistakable Signs Of A Toxic Culture

Posted by on November 4, 2016

This issue is a really big deal and it’s not only negatively impacting productivity, it’s causing a lot of people to hate coming to work.  They hate it not because of the excessive work load but because of the constant negative drama that consumes everyone daily.  This Forbes post nails the problem:

“Maybe it’s a pay practice that doesn’t make sense, or a burning issue that everybody knows and worries about but that has never been spoken about other than furtively, in hallway conversations.  The first time you raise a sticky issue at work, it will feel scary — but it will feel more comfortable to speak your truth every time you do it.”

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Five Irrefutable Paradoxes Of Leadership

Posted by on October 26, 2016

I grew up in a culture where positional power meant more to your leadership success than the content of your character.  Your education and resume were far more important than relationships.  Finally, the research shows that character is more important than competency.  However, this Forbes posts points out there are still some very important paradoxes to understand:

“When we picture someone who is a leader, we tend to imagine a certain kind of person. Certainly, the so-called “Type-A” personality is high on the list — someone who might be called a perfectionist or hard-charging. We imagine someone who is supremely confident in their own abilities, makes decisions quickly and works fast; someone who occasionally seems arrogant in their self-confidence and who consistently succeeds in whatever they try to do.”

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