Category Archive: Leadership Development

7 Steps To Maximize Your Success As A Leader

Posted by on July 25, 2016

I read probably 30 of these type posts a week trying to develop as a leader personally and find best practices for the people I coach.  Usually, there are a few goods points and some that are not as helpful.  This Forbes post by Christine Comaford is really good and well worth the read:

“While there’s a lot of useful things that can be done to help, I find that the most exponential success usually comes when I am coaching people who are already doing great and want to be even better. Here are seven steps to maximize your success as a leader:

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How Delegation Has Changed

Posted by on July 22, 2016

One of the best ways to leverage your leadership influence is to delegate as much work as possible to competent team members.  At the start of every day you should ask yourself is there anything that needs to be done that I can give to someone else with the appropriate investment of my time?

In the Industrial age model of leadership the leaders made all of the decisions about priorities and strategies and the team was responsible only for execution.  This resulted in very little delegation and significantly reduced productivity.

In this type of environment the leader would walk into the meeting and tell the group this is the new program for the fall and hear are your individual assignments, are there any questions?

In the Information age of leadership the leaders still make the decisions about priorities but delegate the development of the strategies and execution to the team.  This is a major improvement and gets everyone into the game.

This meeting would involve the leader saying to the team, this is a program that we are considering for the fall, what do you think?

In the new Idea age the leader is willing to delegate the setting of priorities, strategies and execution with reserving the right to make the final decision on all recommendations from team.  A meeting would include the leader saying to the team what are your recommendations for programs for the fall and why?

The need for and the type of delegation is changing dramatically in the last twenty years.  In the past the leader was suppose to know all the answers to all the questions.  Today they need to know how to ask the right questions and the team is responsible for the answers.

What Great Listeners Actually Do

Posted by on July 20, 2016

This area is one of my greatest challenges because I am constantly checking out to think about what I want to say instead of really listening.  The only way I can solve this chronic problem is to implement practical action items that force me to stay engaged.  This HBR post was very practical:

“Chances are you think you’re a good listener.  People’s appraisal of their listening ability is much like their assessment of their driving skills, in that the great bulk of adults think they’re above average.  In our experience, most people think good listening comes down to doing three things:

  • Not talking when others are speaking
  • Letting others know you’re listening through facial expressions and verbal sounds (“Mmm-hmm”)
  • Being able to repeat what others have said, practically word-for-word

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How To Access Your Peak Performance

Posted by on July 15, 2016

The whole idea of time management is a little bit of a misnomer.  You really can’t manage time as much as you can give leadership to how you use it.  The ability to identify what must be done from what should not be done at all is critical.  This Forbes post offers some practical help:

“There is a feeling some people call “being overwhelmed.” It makes them unsure about where to start because there are a trillion things requiring their attention. Others call it “being off-balance.” Something feels just not right.

And then there are those who keep repeating what nobody can hear anymore because everyone is feeling the same thing: “I am so stressed. I don’t even know where to start.”

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Toxic Teamwork Making Destructive Comments

Posted by on July 11, 2016

One of the hallmarks of leadership in the 21st century is participative team building and problem solving.  We have moved from the old top down decision making model to one that allows and encourages everyone’s involvement in the process.

If you are a good leader then you will make sure that everyone has an opportunity to give their opinion and respectfully discuss and even debate the issues so that the best possible solution can be reached.  For some people this type of give and take environment comes easy and for others it is very hard to open up and participate.

As a team leader one thing I watch very carefully is when someone starts to take on another team member personally rather than dealing with their ideas.  This can be very subtle in the beginning but eventually something is said that really stings.

There is a big difference between I do not agree with what you are saying and here is the reason compared to you are wrong and just don’t get it.  Certain people with strong personalities will go after another person when they feel threatened because they know they can intimidate them to back off.

During the meeting when I see this happening I will usually make a point to come back to the person who was attacked and draw them out again.  After the meeting, I will go to the person making the destructive comments and make sure they understand that type of behavior will not be tolerated.

After clearly communicating with someone privately and they continue to demonstrate this type of behavior then they will lose their seat at the table and everyone will know why.



What Does Accountability Really Mean For Teams

Posted by on July 8, 2016

The is probably the single most difficult issue I see while working with almost all size companies.  The move to collaboration has assumed that teams are the highest expression of leadership effectiveness.  However, where does that leave delegation and directive leadership roles?  This post offers some help:

“At the end of a meeting, most leaders know that they should recap next steps and determine who is accountable for each. As prescribed in the commonly used responsibility models — RACI, RAPID, and the others — accountability should fall to one (and only one) person per item, even if the work involved requires input and contributions from others. Unfortunately, over the years we’ve spent advising organizations, we’ve found that the word “accountable” can mean different things to different people.”

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Why Do We Fight For What We Don't Want

Posted by on July 6, 2016

This post by Celinne Da Costa is challenging to read and even more dangerous to live.  She is pushing back against living your life by the script that the American Dream culture has handed you.  If indeed we are going to have to fight for something, then why can’t it be something that we care passionately about doing.

“As I sat on the edge of Horseshoe Canyon, overlooking the majestic landscape of Page, Arizona, it hit me: “I don’t have to do this.”  “This” was my life in New York City, which was an endless grind of work to make money, look good doing it, go to a social event every night, and work some more. For years, I felt like I was fighting an emotional uphill battle working for a company I didn’t believe in, in a role I didn’t terribly care for, for money I didn’t need to spend. I worked hard for that life, but my heart was not in it.”

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Circle of Influence

Posted by on July 1, 2016

Several years ago Stephen Covey wrote one of the all time best selling leadership books The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. It is a book that I have read several times and refer to often.

The first habit in the book is to be proactive and take responsibility for leading our own lives.  He writes, “It means that as human beings, we are responsible for our own lives.  Our behavior is a function of our decisions, not our conditions.  We can subordinate feelings to values.”

One of the most practical tips for doing this on a daily basis is what he calls the circle of concern in our lives vs. the circle of influence.  The circle of concern represents all the things we really care about but have no control over to change the outcome.  If we are not careful we can spend most of our day here with nothing to show for all the emotional effort.

The circle of influence though contains all the things that are important to us as well but we do have the ability to control the outcome.  When we focus on what we cannot control during the day that just means there were many things that should and could be done that were not.

The amazing thing about this principle is that the more you prioritize the things you can do and start accomplishing them the things you cannot control proportionally diminish in their importance.

When we are doing the things we know we should do it not only allows us to  accomplish something but it also gives us the needed perspective to deal with all the things that are beyond our control.

To quote another Covey principle:  WIN WIN

The 4 Habits Every Great Leader Needs To Practice

Posted by on June 22, 2016

One of the casualties of living in this digital age is the warmth of human relationships.  No, I’m sorry a like on Facebook, or a retweet or even a text message can’t replace being there with the person.  With limited face time leaders have to become extremely effective in connecting with their team.  John Rampton has a great post:

“You don’t need to be told that leadership takes presence. But in my experience, leaders today have arguably fewer opportunities to show it.  Particularly if you head up a digital business or lead teams spread out across multiple locations, you’re faced with generating “remote” influence at the same time that the people right there in your own office need to be kept motivated, too.”

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8 Ground Rules For Great Meetings

Posted by on June 20, 2016

All of us have been in more bad meetings than great ones.  I absolutely dislike the organic approach where the agenda is lose and the results are feel good.  I admit that I am more tactical than most but all ongoing meetings should have some guidelines for mutual respect and effective outcomes.  This HBR article is excellent:

“If you want your team to be effective, you need meeting ground rules — and you need agreement about how to use them. Many teams that have ground rules don’t regularly use them. But having rules in place that you consistently enforce can significantly improve how your team solves problems and makes decisions.”

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