Category Archive: Leadership Development

Changing Missions Paradigm

Posted by on June 17, 2016

The one thing that has never changed about missions is that God has always been seeking people to know Him and then to make Him known.  The unchanging message of the gospel started in a garden and will end in a city full of people from every tribe and nation on the earth.

The great commission was given to the early church and they immediately began to carry the message to every part of their known world.  This message was primarily being shared not by a professional ministerial class but by average believers who had a personal story to tell about what Christ had done in their lives.

During the middle ages the formal church was the focal point of representing God to the world.  The emphasis had shifted from individuals to organizations and the world suffered greatly in this period of isolation from the truth.

The reformation gave the scriptures back to the people and set the stage for all that followed in the modern mission’s movement where individual believers once again committed their lives to go into whole world with their message of hope.  However these individuals became part of much larger organizations that took the lead in spreading the good news.

Today the major emphasis is still upon organizations, denominations, mission agencies and other groups that represent primarily the trained professionals who maintain the old paradigms that have existed for hundreds of years.  These groups do a great work and will always play an important role in touching the world.

An exciting new movement is developing where committed Christians are once again being used by God in incredible ways and places where the professional worker model cannot work.  They are using their career calling as a platform not only to make a profit but also to make an eternal difference.

If you want to learn more Great Commission Companies is a great book that points the way to how God is using globalization to break down barriers and effectively create genuine communities of new believers.

How To Resolve Team Conflict

Posted by on June 15, 2016

Its impossible for creative and strong people to work together in a team environment without conflict if they are doing their jobs.  These people are passionate and there must be a culture where the truth can be told but where people are not personally attacked.  I have been on the wrong end of this stick too many times and these are the things that help me be more effective:

  1.  Own my part of the problem:  Even if someone else throws a bomb my way, that does not give me an excuse to throw another one back.  If there is conflict, the first question I must ask is where was I wrong and admit it to the team.
  2. Know when to back off:  Once I have clearly and respectively shared my opinion then it is time for me to let it go. If other team members are not jumping in, then I was probably wrong to begin with.  Saying something over and over with even more volume does not make it right.
  3. Listen to understand:  A lot of conflict is produced when people are listening to frame up their next argument to support their position.  Instead, if we would listen in order to understand the other person, we might not react so strongly at what they are saying.
  4. Find the win/win solution:  One person does not always have to be right and the other person wrong.  Many times if our motives are right we can take the best from both and make the end product even better.

Collaboration can be painful and people can be ugly.  However, if you own your attitude and you sincerely want whats best for the entire team then magic can repeatedly happen.

How Leaders Can Let Go Without Losing Control

Posted by on June 13, 2016

The tension today in leadership cultures between direction, collaboration and delegation have never been more confusing.  Only using directive behavior will clearly not work but in some situations it’s the only style that will.  Collaboration is wonderful but not at the expense of too many meetings and no execution.  Delegation surely is important but why is it so scary?  This HBR post is excellent:

“Every organization today wants to achieve both alignment and autonomy. Can what works for birds and fish also work for people? The answer comes from a surprising place: the battlefield.  Over centuries, the military has developed an approach to managing “the fog of war.” Generals need to ensure alignment to the strategy, while soldiers need autonomy to respond to changing conditions. The military’s solution has two parts:

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The Most Effective Teams Adapt To Change

Posted by on June 8, 2016

The ability to lead change well is both art and science.  The development of the plan and the definition of the metrics are often the easy part.  When to make the change and at what pace are challenging.  The role of teams in leading change is defined in this Forbes post:

“A recent Economist article stated that “teams have become the basic building-blocks of organizations,” and I disagree. I disagree because they’ve always been the building blocks of performance, and it’s only now that leaders are beginning to realize the power of “we” and networks after working so long for “me” in hierarchies.”

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4 Ways To Be More Effective At Execution

Posted by on May 30, 2016

I love being in the room when there are 30,000 foot white board meetings about the future.  I also enjoy the planning phase of determining what needs to be done and how we will do it.  At the end of the day though, unless the people who are responsible for actual execution do their job its all a waste.  This HBR post is nails it:

“Most people recognize that execution is a critical skill and strive to perform it well, but they may a) underestimate how important it is to their career advancement or b) not realize that you can improve on execution without working longer hours.  On the first point, bosses place a premium on execution, which we define as the ability to achieve individual goals and objectives.”

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The Greatest Barriers To Growth

Posted by on May 27, 2016

I have lived through many leadership life cycles with all different sizes of organizations.  The early days are energized by everyone being involved and quick decision making.  Then as you grow larger processes are put in place to sustain the growth that has occurred.  At some point it time though, the danger is that the process kills the effectiveness.  This HBR post is incredible:

“A large, iconic multinational is now struggling to keep growing while being chased by leaner, more aggressive competitors. To find the next wave of growth, they were taking a hard look at their bureaucracy.  “When I joined the company, the front line management jobs were the best,” the CEO told us. He had started his career in one of those jobs, as a country manager, and worked his way up.”

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How To Break Your Addiction To Work

Posted by on May 25, 2016

At some point in time almost everyday we all want to know How am I doing?  The search for significance meets a very deep need that we all have to add value to others.   The workplace can give you that juice to the degree it becomes like an addiction for meeting our emotional needs.  This HBR post is a must read:

“For many of us, working simply feels good. But just because it feeds your ego or makes you feel important, that doesn’t mean it’s actually good for you. How do you break the cycle of working long hours at the office and constantly checking email at home?”

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The Secret To Sustainable Results

Posted by on May 18, 2016

The concept of the flywheel was used by Jim Collins in his best selling leadership book Good to Great.  The major point of the illustration is that significant change occurs when you do the right things repeatedly over time and eventually you will have a breakthrough that results in significant success.

We all would love to have the quick fix strategy work instead, we want instant culture change.  For every company that moved from Good to Great there was no single defining action, no grand programs, no celebrity leader and no one killer innovation that produced the results.

“Good to great comes about by a cumulative process—step by step, action by action, decision by decision, turn by turn of the flywheel—that adds up to sustained and spectacular results.”

A great example that really makes the point is used is from the legendary coaching career of John Wooden at UCLA.  Most basketball fans know that he won ten NCAA Championships in twelve years and at one point had a sixty-one-game winning streak.

What most of us do not know is that for fifteen years coach Wooden worked in relative obscurity at UCLA before he ever won his first national title.  During that time he was building the foundation for the program of great recruiting, player discipline and refining his style of playing the full court press style of defense.

The real character question for leaders today is how many are willing to pay the price of not demanding short term success at the expense of long term sustainability for the organization?  It may keep you off the front page of the business section of your local paper but in this economic environment that can be a very good thing.

How To Avoid Becoming A Weak Leader

Posted by on May 2, 2016

By definition a leader is someone who can inspire others to follow their direction.  Sadly, that criteria does not prevent the leader from leading people to make a bad decision and follow down the wrong path.  Many times the character of the leader is the determining factor and this post by Michael Hyatt teaches us some important lessons from history:

“Sometimes you learn from positive role models. Often you learn from negative ones. This is one of the reasons I love to read history—you inevitably get both.  After watching Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln, I decided to reread Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin.”

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The Role Of Pastoral Leadership

Posted by on April 24, 2016

I hear a lot of people playing the blame game when churches are not growing and reaching their potential.  The blame usually falls into one of two camps, the pastors who are not leading well or the people who will not follow.

After observing this for many years and spending time both in the pew and behind the pulpit I have reached some personal conclusions.  Overall, the majority of times when there are serious problems the churches have not had effective pastoral leadership.

The ultimate tragedy is that in most cases the issues have nothing to do with theology.  It comes down to the character and spiritual immaturity of the man or simply poor leadership skills in the area of knowing how to work with people.

With that said an even greater tragedy is when churches react to poor pastoral leadership by assuming the role of pastor and becoming a lay lead church.  All great churches have strong key men and women who help lead the church but there is only one God called person that has been delegated the role of being the pastor of the church.

Romans 13 makes it incredibly clear that God in every aspect of life works through designated human authority to accomplish his will.  Ephesians 4 also states that God gives church’s pastor leaders to help equip the laity for the work of the ministry.

If your pastor is not leading well then give him all the help you can and if that does not work then fire him and find God’s man.  The one thing you must not do is change God’s plan.  Once you do that you might as well hire a permanent interim and stop playing the games because your church will never be successful again.