Category Archive: Leadership Development

The Control Freak's Guide To Delegation

Posted by on December 2, 2015

I am over the thought that I can do this faster myself than if I take the time to show someone else how to do it as well. Yet, everyday I am doing work that someone else could and should be doing so that I work on what is uniquely my role.  Stephanie Vozza makes some great points:

“If you feel like you’re never able to get everything done, the problem might not be the number of hours in a day. Maybe you should brush up on your delegating skills. Trying to do too much is a common problem for high achievers, but when you’re overworked, you’re overwhelmed and the quality of your work suffers.”

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Why Real Talk Matters As Leaders

Posted by on November 20, 2015

Most of us are very good at telling someone what they want to hear.  In reality, that means that we are afraid of telling the truth or we have simply given up on the leader and don’t care.  Both of these are unacceptable outcomes and a place where any character driven person cannot stay.  Jane Perdue has some challenges we must address:

Why is real talk hard for many leaders to do?

Real talk is two-way communicating that moves past what’s obvious, superficial, and assumed to get at the core of authentic meaning and connection.

Unless leaders use thoughtful engagement to probe and clarify, the best we can hope for is a best guess, which isn’t a very firm footing for effective leadership or success.

Problems With The Boss

Posted by on November 18, 2015

All of us have worked at some point in time for someone who at worst just could not get it done or at best was personality challenged.   We come into our jobs with the hope that we can be a part of the solution and yet there are times when we don’t see the progress we had hoped for.

I changed jobs three times in the first five years out of college because I thought the problem was external.  If I could just get with the right company with a great boss then I would be successful.  To my shock I realized that the real problems were internal and I was simply carrying all of my personal issues from one company to the next expecting different results.

These are some of the things I have learned over the years about problems with the boss:

  1.  Check Your Motives—make sure that your real agenda is to do what is best for the organization and not for yourself.  When you make it a priority to help make your boss successful then it becomes a win-win for everyone.
  2. Keep It Real—when things are not changing at the pace you had hoped you have a choice to make.  You can get your feelings hurt and start telling people what they want to hear and emotionally quit or you can have the character to tell the truth with a respectful attitude.
  3. Watch Your Tongue—if you allow your concerns to become public in an inappropriate way then you just became part of the problem and not part of the solution.  You should never say anything negative about another person to someone else because it will only spread disunity and destroy team moral.
  4. Do Your Job—when we get in the negative cycle not only are we causing problems for other people we are not focused on getting our own jobs done with excellence.  We must show up every day with a clean heart and high level of commitment to be and do our best.


I can promise you it is not in your job description to change your boss or even your organization for that matter.  What is there is a clear set of priorities that need to be done by a person who is mature enough to stay positive when things don’t go their way and passionate enough to never settle for anything less than their personal best every day.

The Untold Secret Of Great Leaders

Posted by on November 16, 2015

The celebrity super outgoing leadership style was desired by all but found by few.  It was assumed they had IT and the rest of us did not.  The groundbreaking research by Jim Collins destroyed this myth maybe more than any other.  Courtney Seiter does a great job of taking this even further:

“Scholars are coming to see (confidence) as an essential element of internal wellbeing and happiness, a necessity for a fulfilled life. Without it you can’t achieve flow, the almost euphoric state described by psychologist Mihaly Csiksgentmihalyi as perfect concentration; the alignment of one’s skills with the task at hand.”

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Big Hairy Audacious Goals

Posted by on November 13, 2015

There has always been a delicate balance in goal setting between what can be done and what could be done.  Goals should be realistic and achievable but they also must be courageous and challenging.  Safe is not good enough anymore and we must be willing to take risks that stretch us outside our comfort zone to achieve greatness.

I absolutely love this quote that is extremely timely in our current environment, “Far better to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much no suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory, nor defeat.”  Theodore Roosevelt, 1899

When President Kennedy said in the early 60’s we are going to land a man on the moon and return him safely by the end of this decade the overwhelmingly majority of people thought he had lost his mind, and yet we did it.

The world has changed dramatically in the last decade.  The power of technology and the globalization of all the world economies are driving change in unprecedented ways that no one could have imagined either just a few years ago.  When this recession is over we are never going back to the ways things used to be.

What goals are you setting for yourself and your organization that are commensurate for the challenges that lie ahead in the 21st century?  They must be big hairy and audacious if they are going to lead to outstanding performance.

5 Habits Of Truly Disruptive Leaders

Posted by on November 11, 2015

Stability of the process was an extremely valued outcome in the 1980’s when I started my corporate career.  The idea of disruption was clearly perceived as a threat to be avoided at all cost.  With todays changing global marketplace that is a luxury we no longer have.  Fast Company challenges the status quo again:

On its face, leadership’s goals don’t seem to line up with dictionary definitions of disruption. Here’s Merriam-Webster‘s:

disrupt: (verb dis·rupt \dis-ˈrəpt\) to cause (something) to be unable to continue in the normal way; to interrupt the normal progress or activity of (something)

Surely leaders should do the reverse, providing a steady hand on the tiller and guiding their teams to consistent and predictable victories—right? That’s been the formula for organizational success for decades, at any rate.

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5 Critical Characteristics of High Performing Teams

Posted by on November 9, 2015

Most leaders agree that we have moved from a leadership model that prioritized the positional power of the leader to one that involves the input of others included on their team.  However, there is still a lot of misunderstanding about the changing role of the leader and the appropriate role of the team members.

One of the best books I have read on this subject is The Performance Factor by Pat MacMillan.  The book not only deals with all of the philosophical issues involved in this major leadership transition but goes into great detail about practical execution.

The critical characteristics of all high performing teams are:

  1. Clear and Common Purpose
  2. Accepted Leadership
  3. Effective Team Processes
  4. Solid Relationships
  5. Excellent Communication

As in all current accepted leadership theory, they place an extremely high priority on getting the right mix of people on the team.  The key here is diversity of skill sets and experience so that the combined synergistic effect will reach its maximum potential.

The leader’s role is still very critical because they have to be able to draw everyone into the project at hand with passion and then be able in the end to reach a decision that works best for bottom line.  This is not a personality contest or group therapy it is still about producing outstanding results that accomplish critical priorities.

Four Ways You're Getting Accountability Wrong

Posted by on November 6, 2015

There is a lot of talk about accountability lately.  It can mean everything from a re-branded performance review process to a monthly 360 from everyone and their brother on your performance.  It is an incredibly important role in developing great leaders who serve on effective teams.  Mark Lukens tells us what it should not be:

“Accountability isn’t just a nice-to-have feature of corporate culture. If you can’t tell who’s responsible for what, it’s impossible to understand the reasons for your company’s successes and failures.  Still, accountability means different things to different people, and if your approach to keeping teams and their leaders accountable is off-base, it can lead to chaos.”

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4 Critical Team Dynamics for Leading Change

Posted by on November 4, 2015

How many teams have we put together over the years to help us lead the change process only to realize several months later that nothing happened that was sustainable?  In John Kotter’s excellent book on Leading Change he gives four key characteristics that must be in place for the team to be successful.

  1. Position power:  Are enough key players on board, especially the main line managers, so that those left out cannot easily block progress?
  2. Expertise:  Are the various points of view- in terms of discipline, work experience etc.- relevant to the task at hand adequately represented so that informed, intelligent decisions will be made?
  3. Credibility:  Does the group have enough people with good reputations in the firm so that its pronouncements will be taken seriously by other employees?
  4. Leadership:  Does the group include enough proven leaders to be able to drive the change process?

When I have been responsible for leading major change initiatives all of these types of people must be involved.  The other important dynamic is that you must avoid people who will try to take over the group and lead by positional power and the other extreme of individuals who will not engage and confront the brutal facts with their active participation.

7 Tips For Managing High Impact Teams

Posted by on October 30, 2015

I consume everything I can on teamwork.  There is so much confusion between the value of collaboration and the demise of direction and delegation.  I think all of these have value and Harvey Deutschendorf has some great thoughts:

“Most business leaders can agree that teamwork is important for getting anything done. But the agreement usually stops there. In many cases, the company’s immediate needs take over, and there’s seldom enough time for deep thought about how to actually develop an effective team.”

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