Category Archive: Leadership Development

9 Hard-Earned Leadership Lessons

Posted by on October 21, 2015

As I look back on my leadership journey, I am shocked at some of the major responsibility I had as an overly aggressive 30 year old.  I was confident and even cocky.  Back in the dark ages hitting the numbers was even more of a big deal and hard work was rewarded.  I am a far better leader now and the difference is the wisdom that only comes through experience.  Vivian Giang takes this idea and gives some great insight:

“No matter how talented or intelligent you are, many of the greatest lessons—in business and in life—don’t come until after years of experience. Oftentimes, when looking back, these are the lessons the most successful people wish they knew when they were in their 20s. Other times, they’re glad they didn’t know them, as knowledge sometimes hold us back in the wrong ways.”

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10 Characteristics Of Good Leadership

Posted by on October 19, 2015

Leadership at times is complicated and extremely difficult.  What works in one situation does not work in a similar one.  Some people adapt early to change others oppose it with all their might.  It takes time to delegate and develop new leaders and there is risk involved.  Ron Edmondson hits all these issues and more in this great post:

“When I first wrote about the characteristics of good leadership it was almost 6 years ago. At the time I had been a leader for well over 20 years and had studied the field o leadership academically. My posts were designed to be informative, but honestly, even more, they served as a checklist reminder of sorts for my own attempts at good leadership.”

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The Teamwork Game Changer

Posted by on October 12, 2015

Probably nothing is more difficult for me to deal with than negative people.  They not only drain me but I see them pulling down the whole team.  On the other hand, the power of rightly spoken positive words can save an entire project with the momentum they bring.  Michael Hyatt nails it again:

“Is there anything more frustrating than trying to accomplish a big goal with someone who’s negative, unimaginative, and defensive?  Thankfully, it’s been a while since I’ve tried. But I’ve had my share in the past, and I can tell you that nothing will kill an organization’s productivity and vision like a can’t-do person.”

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Leadership Blind Spots

Posted by on October 9, 2015

I have enough trouble with the issues I am aware of much less other things that I keep missing as a problem.  We call these things blind spots and I agree thats true for the first time around.  After that to me it’s an eyes wide open deliberate choice.  John Maxwell is not quite as harsh:

“Do you have any blind spots?    …If you answered no, you now know where your blind spot is!   Okay, I think most of us would acknowledge that we do possess blind spots. We assume there must be some areas where we “don’t know what we don’t know.”

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5 Character Tests That Every Great Leader Passes

Posted by on October 5, 2015

When I started this leadership journey in corporate life competency was the ultimate factor in hiring and promoting leaders.  Your resume which showed your academic credentials as well as your experience trumped everything else.  Stephen Covey with 7 Habits broke new ground and shifted the conversation to character driven people.  Carey Nieuwhof has a great post:

“The longer I lead and the more I see, the more I’m convinced that character ultimately determines a leader’s true success. Moral failure takes out more leaders than it should. But real success is deeper than just avoiding the ditch.”

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7 Things Healthy Teams Check At The Door

Posted by on September 30, 2015

Teams can be messy, for after all we are dealing with up to 10 totally different people all with personalities and agendas.  You have to define some clear expectations about how people treat each other that will allow healthy conflict and build necessary trust.  Ron Edmondson does a good job with trying to eliminate some things:

“I think healthy teams are intentionally created, so wherever I serve I’m consistently trying to make our environment better. Over the years, I’ve learned some things will not develop healthy teams. Many times it’s as much about what we don’t have on our team as what we do have.”


Delegation That Really Works

Posted by on September 28, 2015

There is tremendous confusion in leadership circles today about when to be Directive if ever. When should you use Collaboration and how does that impact how decisions are made? Finally, we all know we should be Delegating more but what we don’t know is how it should work.

One the one extreme we give someone a project responsibility and never check on the status again. The other tendency is to still micro-manage and in reality all that is delegated is the work, not the responsibility.

I have developed 4 simple steps over the years that seem to produce great results. Every situation is different and will require varying degrees of these steps but they are solid.

  1.  RESEARCH: When I start a project, I am wanting to evaluate a leaders capability on this subject. I will ask them to do some detailed work on the topic. Some times I give direction and sometimes I intentionally don’t.

The outcome I want to see is how thorough they are, how much they grasp the content and what recommendations would they make moving forward. Fail here and there is no more delegation on this subject, but impress here and I have a project leader.

2.  PROGRESS: You must avoid both mistakes of too many conversations with the project leader or not enough. It’s not fair to them for you to watch every move they make but nothing is worse than lots of work and it totally fails in meeting expectations because you did not communicate well.

So what you must do is to build feedback loops into the process. They could be on the one hand standing weekly meetings or on the other the use of some project management software like Basecamp. Bottom line for the leader you can’t just walk away.

3.  AGREEMENT: Now the project is in the final stages ready for execution. One more final touch point for ensuring alignment with stated outcomes is necessary.  Your are looking for the win-win outcome here.

Then fully execute the project and just be available for troubleshooting as needed. By now its 90% theirs and delegation is serving its intended purpose.

4.  EVALUATION: Most people don’t want to spend the time to complete this most necessary step. You first must determine the effectiveness of the project. Do we want to kill it, change it or scale it for the future?

In addition we have invested a lot of leadership development capital in this leader. They need to hear what they did well and just as importantly how can they continue to improve their leadership capacity.

Delegation is a great leadership tool and everyday you as a leader should be asking yourself: What am I doing that someone else should be doing for me and even more important how am I intentionally developing new leaders?






Toxic Myths About Leadership

Posted by on September 25, 2015

I will never forget when I read Good To Great by Jim Collins for the first time.  There were so many myths that he destroyed about leadership in that book.  The one that was the most meaningful to me was that effective leaders had to be charismatic extroverts because that was the culture I developed in as a leader.  Ron Edmondson takes that one on and several others:

“One thing I learned in obtaining a master’s in leadership is defining leadership is difficult. John Maxwell says, “Leadership is influence.” I love a simple definition. Simple works. Its effective and communicates. Still, I have observed leadership is often not easy to define as a few simple words.”

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The Top 5 Time Management Mistakes

Posted by on September 23, 2015

There is a big difference between prioritizing your schedule and scheduling your priorities.  Time management in reality is not about when you do tasks but how you lead your life.  Lisa Evans has some challenging thoughts:

“We’d all like to use our time better, which is why I enjoyed reading Lisa Evans’s recent post on The Top 5 Time Management Mistakes You’re Making. She pointed out several woes that I know I am guilty of, from underestimating the amount of time tasks will take to not managing distractions.”

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7 Things Leaders Do That Drive Their Team Nuts

Posted by on September 18, 2015

If leaders give the impression they only want to hear the good news and its obvious they don’t like conflict then teams suffer.  Many times team members fail and make mistakes only to have the team rescue the project.  However, when leaders make mistakes sometimes its hard to pull victory out of defeat by Carey Nieuwhof:

“If you lead, you are more than aware of the incredible responsibility you have toward others. Leadership, by definition, is not a solo sport. You’re leading others, and how you do it ultimately determines how effective you are as a leader. It also means you need to become exceptionally self-aware of your weaknesses.”

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