Category Archive: Leadership Development

4 Common Mistakes In Goal Setting

Posted by on September 17, 2015

If goal setting is so simple why do so many of us never reach them?  Even though the methods may differ, the common principle is to state clearly what the outcome is you want to reach.  I am always looking for new techniques and this post by David Whitt is very helpful:

“Performance expert John Hester identifies four common mistakes that managers make when they set goals for employees in the latest issue of Ignite!  The negative result is poor or misaligned performance, accountability issues, blame and resentment—not to mention countless hours spent reviewing tasks and redoing work.”

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Real Collaboration Or Total Confusion

Posted by on September 8, 2015

Working through teams is a hot topic and the idea of collaboration has been around for a long time.  Certainly no one wants to go back to the bad old days of a few top down decision makers meeting in private and then telling the whole organization what to do.  Surely with all the emphasis on involving everyone on your leadership team those old habits have finally died.  Not really, they are alive and well.

Effective teams are honest with each other and deal with conflict in a healthy way.  They value the combined strengths and gifts of the team over the limited skills of the few.  Some leaders though are still playing the game of valuing everyone on the team publicly but in reality privately they are not willing to pay the price to build a strong consensus.

There are several clear indicators that will let you know that the leader is not all in on collaboration:

  1.  Lots of talk but no real decisions.   At some point in time in the meeting everyone realizes that the impression of listening to everyone has really become how can we end this meeting without making a decision.
  2. Overvaluing the input of everyone.   In every team environment depending upon the subject some people on the team will clearly have more knowledge and experience.  When leaders spend an equal amount of time hearing from everyone, they value the acceptance of the people more than the effectiveness of the team.
  3. Making unnecessary assignments.  This is a classic delaying strategy by the leader to avoid the realities of the team moving toward a consensus decision.  It sounds a lot like collaboration but in reality its organizational constipation.
  4. Meetings with selected individuals.  When a leader does not like the potential direction of the team, they will meet ahead of time with certain individuals to ensure their opinion will be expressed by others.  These team members will do the dirty work while the leader can remain above the conflict.
  5. Giving passive approval.  Finally, when it is obvious that the collective team is moving toward a consensus decision to move forward, the leader will give passive approval.  The right words get said but in reality the leader is living to fight another day and has no intention of supporting the groups decision.

If you really don’t want your teams to help you make the decisions then just tell them.  They have plenty of other work to do and they hate playing the game.


Good Goals Are Smart Goals

Posted by on September 7, 2015

You have heard it said that if you don’t measure it then it really does not matter.  There is a tremendous amount of truth in that statement.  But the reality is that you can’t just throw out a percentage number you want to grow your revenue next year it must be realistic.  These principles by Ken Blanchard will work in any context:

“Although most managers agree with the importance of setting goals, many do not take the time to clearly develop goals with their people. As a result, people tend to get caught in the “activity trap,” where they become busy doing things, but not necessarily the right things. In his book Leading at a Higher Level, business author Ken Blanchard recommends that managers set SMART goals with their people. SMART is an acronym for the most important factors to remember in setting quality goals>”

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God’s Passion For The Cities

Posted by on July 19, 2015

We know from reading scripture that God cares about every person on the planet and there is not a people group that is outside of His global plan of redemption.  However, we cannot miss as we read the Bible that God has always had a heart for the cities where the masses are living.

God’s passion comes out for the large cities in the book of Jonah in an incredible way.  He is moved by the multitudes that do not know Him and declares, “should I not pity Nineveh, that great city, in which are more than one hundred and twenty thousand persons who cannot discern between their right hand and their left.”

Even a nation like Babylon that was wicked in the sight of God to the degree that He promised to totally destroy its evil culture, God through Jeremiah tells His people who are living in captivity there, “And seek the peace of the city where I have caused you to be carried away captive, and pray to the Lord for it; for in its peace you will have peace.”

Throughout the book of Acts and the birth of the missions movement as we know it today we see God consistently sending his missionaries to the largest cities of that day to reach out to the greatest number of people possible with the message of the gospel.  We read many stories of individuals coming to Christ but when God was reassuring Paul about pending persecution He reminded him, “for I am with you , and no one will attack you to hurt you; for I have many people in this city.”

The grand plan of worldwide redemption starts in a garden goes through a cross and ends in a city.  Yes God cares about the one individual that lives in remote Montana or Malawi but He also knows that the largest number of people in 1st or 21st century will always be found in the cities of the world.

How can we too not have compassion and prioritize reaching the millions that live there who still to this day cannot discern between their right hand and their left.


How To Be A Better Listener

Posted by on February 18, 2015

I am a problem solver by personality and giftedness so this one is very painful for me.  I often am the one leading a meeting and therefore I am always thinking ahead about whats next.  What I miss often is the intent of what the other person is saying and therefore my solutions are not as effective.  Art Markman tells us what we all need to hear so listen up:

“Next time you’re at a meeting when you are not a central participant, take a couple of minutes and watch some of the other people at the table. Most of them won’t even look like they are listening carefully.”

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The Attitude Shift For Success

Posted by on February 16, 2015

One of the greatest challenges of leadership is the setting and meeting of expectations.  Perspective is the context around which all expectations are set.  If the glass is half empty then the bar will  be unnecessarily low and you won’t even  know why.  Kristopher Jones has an excellent post:

“One of the biggest secrets to success in life and business is simple, powerful, and sadly dismissed by many people—and especially entrepreneurs—as unimportant. It’s called gratitude. The simple act of giving thanks can transform your life.”

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Look Back To Plan Forward

Posted by on January 16, 2015

If there is one thing I really hate it is to keep making the same mistakes over and over again.  I really want to learn from the past so I don’t have to keep repeating the bad parts of it.  Reflection is not a waste of time it forces us to make changes.  John Maxwell as always has some great advice:

“First, I pull out my calendar and make a list of significant events, tasks, meetings, decisions, and accomplishments. I spend time reflecting, in order to remember and write down every experience that stood out in the past year. I write down both positive and negative experiences, because I know that I learn more from losing than from winning.”

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How To Control Your Calendar

Posted by on January 15, 2015

Our problem is really not enough time to get everything done its how we use the time we already have.  You will either learn to schedule your priorities or you will be reacting to your circumstances every day.  Tim Stevens has some excellent suggestions on how to control your calendar:

“Mark Batterson wrote, “If you don’t control your calendar, your calendar will control you.”  Alan Lakein said, “Time is life. It is irreversible and irreplaceable. To waste your time is to waste your life, but to master your time is to master your life and make the most of it.”

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Why Keeping Your Commitments Is Critical To Your Influence

Posted by on November 24, 2014

Nothing causes a leader to lose influence faster than over promising and under delivering.  When you commit, make sure you can deliver and in essence keep your word.  This can range from bad deals that cost you money but you still deliver to not chronically showing up late for meetings.  If people can’t trust you then your influence in gone.  Michael Hyatt kills it again:

“When we think of someone with integrity, we think of someone we can count on to come through on what they promise. Unfortunately, that’s not always a safe bet today.”

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The Most Important Question A Leader Can Ask

Posted by on November 14, 2014

At the end of the day motives always trump methods.  The fundamental questions a leader must ask everyday is why am I really doing this?  If the answer is for the good of the team or the organization then you are good to go.  However, if the honest answer is for personal gain then you have surrendered your right to lead.  As always John Maxwell nails it:

“There is a big difference between people who want to lead because they are genuinely interested in others and possess a desire to help them, and people who are in it to help only themselves.  People who lead for selfish reasons seek…

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