Category Archive: Leadership Development

3 Words To Banish From Leadership Vocabulary

Posted by on April 28, 2014

There are some words that really get either used too much or applied in the wrong way.  In marriage two potential damaging words are never and always.  When I use these words in a negative sense,  they sound so right but in reality they are never true.  The same is true about the words we use as leaders.  In this great post Carey Nieuwhof has some pointed reminders for us all:

“Words matter when you’re a leader, and not all words are equally useful  .In fact, you should banish at least three from your regular vocabulary.  Nobody wins when you use these words regularly, and they might be damaging your leadership without you even realizing it.  I end up using these words when I fail to make a decision.”


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8 Ways To Empower Your Team

Posted by on April 23, 2014

So much of what gets done today in any work environment is done through teams.  These teams are not just worker bees doing the bidding of the queen but highly competent individuals that have to come together for a common purpose.  Brad Lomenick is a highly successful team leader and as always has some great things to say:

“Leaders: one of the key things you must ALWAYS do is empower your team. As I’ve learned over the years, most leaders at their core are control freaks, which is part of the reason they are successful.”

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How To Really Get Things Done

Posted by on April 16, 2014

It seems like I am always looking for some new tool to help me get things done.  I almost need an app to manage all my productivity apps.  My real problem though is not that I don’t know what needs to be done but I often lack the energy to get the project over the goal line.  Cary Nieuwhof hits the nail on the head:

“We could end the post there (just get a new app!), but chances are no matter how great your task management system is, you’re probably still feeling a bit overwhelmed right now as you look at your massive to do list.  No app can fix that.  But maybe this can.”

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Wisdom In Leadership

Posted by on April 11, 2014

I love the next and coolest new leadership idea.  I find myself looking at how I can improve myself for the future.  Many times the answer to that challenge lies in the lessons learned in the past.  This perspective that allows us to learn from our mistakes and yet still have the passion for the future is called wisdom.  Ron Edmondson had a great experience with someone who has a lot to say:

“And, as a result, he has tremendous influence and a very comfortable lifestyle. He’s a straight, candid talker. In spite of his success, he was exceptionally approachable and genuinely seemed to be a kind-hearted man.”

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Individual Contributors Vs. Teamwork

Posted by on March 26, 2014

I can clearly remember when teams where the newest fad in leadership development.  Initially, they were purely token with positional leadership still firmly in control.  All of that is changing now and many good people don’t fit the team culture.  Mark Miller takes on this critical subject in this new post:

“Each week, I respond to a question submitted by a reader. Today’s issue is one I’ve faced more than once over the years. The question is: In an increasingly team-based world, what is the role of the individual contributor?”

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7 Principles For Setting Goals That Work

Posted by on March 24, 2014

There is not a week in my life that goes by when the subject or the reality of goal setting does not come up.  It seems so simply yet so many people are incredibly ineffective when it comes to getting the right things done.  Michael Hyatt comes through again with an excellent post:

“How do you make change happen? More than that, how do you make the right change happen? When there is a gap between what is and what you want to be, how do you cross that gap?

Very practical, Read More …

3 Ways To Know How Well You Are Leading

Posted by on March 17, 2014

It always amazes me when I take the time to get some good feedback from other people on how well I am leading.  They see things and hear things that never cross my radar and its important to have some internal and external sources to evaluate your performance.  Casey Nieuwhof has some great thoughts:

“One of the most difficult aspects of leadership is to know how you’re doing as a leader.  Add a little insecurity into the mix, and it makes things even more complex.  But beyond that, how can you tell how you’re doing as a leader?”





Learning How To Follow Up

Posted by on March 12, 2014

I am great at starting things and not so good at finishing them.  When working in a team environment I can easily delegate but rarely build in feedback loops to ensure the project will be successful.  Brad Lomenick gives us some very practical tools to resolve this problem:

“As all of us know, when dealing with other people, other organizations, and other teams, many times the project or initiative bogs down because “you haven’t heard back from him” or “she never emailed me to confirm” or “I’m still waiting on them to send over a fax” or “I called and left a message, but don’t want to bother them again.”

This is a very big deal for every leader.  Read More …

Sometimes We Complicate Leadership Too Much

Posted by on March 10, 2014

There is so much to read about leadership today it is so easy to get confused or even try the daily new idea.  This leads to frustration because we are spending energy on things that don’t really help us personally lead in our context.  Sometimes we really do need to focus on what is simple and what is next and Ron Edmondson is right on target:

“I talk to leaders every week who are stressed out by the things they know they should be doing but aren’t getting done. They’ve read a blog — maybe even this one — they read a book, they attended a seminar or conference and they feel defeated.

Sometimes I think we complicate leadership too much.”

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3 Time Management Mistakes

Posted by on March 7, 2014

We have never lived in a time when we all have less margin to do all the important things in our life.  We only have so many hours in every day and the key to being successful is not to waste the precious little time we have.  I am always helped when I read good posts on time management and Casey Graham has some helpful tips:

“I recently asked some entrepreneurs what their greatest stressor was.  I thought the answer was going to be money, but it wasn’t even close.  The number one answer from the crowd was time.”

If this is the sentiment of some of the most successful leaders surely we can take one principle from this post and apply it today.  Read More…