Category Archive: Leading Change

Pull The Trigger

Posted by on August 10, 2009

There may be nothing harder to do as a leader than make the decision to terminate an employee.  To be honest we feel to some degree we have failed and that is hard to accept.

This is especially true if we hired the person in the first place.  Not only have they failed but now our performance as a leader may be in question also.  We cannot let our own emotional need for personal success stand in the way of doing what is right for the organization.

There are three critical things that I must do as a leader before I feel that my responsibility has been completed prior to any termination.  The first is to provide clear expectations of what is required in their job description.  It is impossible for someone to meet your expectations if they have not been clearly communicated early and often.

The second important thing is to make sure the person has had adequate training and resources to complete their job successfully.  It is not fair to ask someone to grow a particular area and not give them the financial and manpower assets they need to be effective.

The last issue for me is a comprehensive and ongoing feedback system that lets a person know exactly where they stand in the area of performance.  It is not right to see someone make mistakes day after day and stick your head in the sand hoping it will go away only to drop a bomb on them at annual review or even worse an unexpected termination.  If you do not have the leadership skills to positively confront someone about what they are doing wrong then you may be the one in the wrong job and not them.

If you have done all of these three things well and given this person every opportunity to improve and they don’t then you should feel no guilt or sense of failure.  Never obsess on the five to ten percent of your staff that may need to go every year. What is extremely important is to remember the ninety to ninety five percent who are doing their jobs well and are watching to see if you have the character as their leader to pull the trigger.


Characteristics Of An Effective Vision

Posted by on August 5, 2009

When we think of the word vision we are drawn to a picture of the future of how things can be better than they are in the present.  Most vision casting does a good job of painting a hopeful image of the positive benefits involved but not a very realistic job of the costs involved to get there. 

This is a major problem because when the negative forces and fears involved in the change process start to appear and people are not prepared they can give up very quickly resulting in the death of the vision.  John Kotter in his book Leading Change lists all the characteristics that should be included in an effective vision:

1.      Imaginable:  Conveys a picture of what the future will look like

2.      Desirable:  Appeals to the long-term interests of employees, customers, stockholders, and others who have a stake in the enterprise

3.      Feasible:  Comprises realistic, attainable goals

4.      Focused:  Is clear enough to provide guidance in decision making

5.      Flexible:  Is general enough to allow individual initiative and alternative responses in light of changing conditions

6.      Communicable:  Is easy to communicate; can be successfully explained within five minutes

The change process for most people is extremely difficult because of the fear of the unknown.  There are powerful forces involved that will try to maintain the status quo at all costs.  The pain of the present must be contrasted with the pain of the change process so that the people will know that the option of no change is not realistic.

People also need to be told on the front end that sacrifices are probably going to need to be made and there will be discomfort involved during the transition.  However, if the vision takes the group to a better and more viable place then all the costs involved will be worth it every time.

In Search For Silver Bullet

Posted by on July 28, 2009

In Jim Collins latest book How The Mighty Fall he talks about companies that start on a systematic downward spiral that leads ultimately to total failure as an organization.  One common problem he found is that when they finally realize they are in serious trouble rather than dealing with real problems they search for the quick fix approach of finding the right silver bullet.

When full blown panic sets in there is a frantic search for several silver bullets that can be dramatic big moves such as game changing acquisitions or a risky new strategy or an exciting innovation or new leadership, anything that can save us.  The following is list of several silver bullets observed:

1.       Grasping for a Leader as Savior:  The board responds to threats and setbacks by searching for a charismatic leader and an outside savior.

2.      Panic and Haste:  Instead of being calm, deliberate, and disciplined, people exhibit hasty, reactive behavior, bordering on panic.

3.      Radical Change and Revolution with Fanfare:  The language of revolution and radical change characterizes the new era: New Programs! New cultures! New Strategies!

4.      Hype Precedes Results:  Instead of setting expectations low—underscoring the duration and difficulty of the turnaround—leaders hype their visions initiating a pattern of overpromising and under delivering.

5.      Initial Upswing Followed by Disappointments:  There is an initial burst of positive results, but they do not last; dashed hope follows dashed hope; the organization achieves no buildup, no cumulative momentum.

6.      Confusion and Cynicism:  People cannot easily articulate what the organization stands for; core values have eroded to the point of irrelevance; the organization has become just another place to work.

There are no quick fixes or silver bullets for organizations that have complex long term problems that have built up for decades.  The new realities of the global economy did not create these problems it merely acted as a catalyst to reveal them.


Role Of Short Term Wins

Posted by on July 27, 2009

One of the major mistakes we make in major change initiatives is that we oversell the long term goal at the expense of dealing with the short term realities.  People do want to know where they are going but they want to know even more what does all this mean for me right now?

Once the new change plan has been implemented it is critical for everyone involved to experience the benefits of short term wins so they can stay motivated for the future and the change that is yet to come.  John Kotter list several roles that short term wins play:

1.       Provide evidence that sacrifices are worth it:  Wins greatly help justify the short term cost involved.

2.      Reward change agents:  After a lot of hard work, positive feedback builds morale and motivation.

3.      Help fine-tune vision and strategies:  Short term wins give the guiding coalition concrete data on the viability of their ideas.

4.      Undermine cynics and self-serving resisters:  Clear improvements in performance make it difficult for people to block needed change.

5.      Keep bosses on board:  Provides those higher in the hierarchy with evidence that the transformation is on track.

6.      Build momentum:  Turns neutrals into supporters, reluctant supporters into active helpers.

Therefore it becomes critical in any change planning to build into the strategy several things that can be done within the first six months that may be small in scale but clear wins that everyone can celebrate.



The Building Blocks Of A Strategy

Posted by on July 6, 2009

One of the best books I have read on developing a strategic plan and all that is involved in the execution of that plan was written by Larry Bossidy and Ram Charan called Execution.  It is a must read for any organization that uses teams to accomplish planning and execution.

A strategy is the key steps or methodology that you are going to use to accomplish your goals or mission.  Many times the goal seems to be clear and necessary but the breakdown occurs at the point of determining how we are going to accomplish what we want to do.

In this book he lists several critical questions that should be answered during the development of your strategy to ensure a high probability of success:

1.       How good are the assumptions upon which the plan hinges?

2.      What are the pluses and minuses of the alternatives?

3.      Do you have the organizational capability to execute the plan?

4.      Are the short term and long term balanced?

5.      What are the important milestones for executing the plan?

6.      Can you adapt the plan to rapid changes in your environment?

The two most important questions are do you have the organizational capability to execute the plan?  Just because it is the right thing to do may not mean we have the right people in place and this is the right time for implementation.  If we add something major to our process without additional manpower it must be assumed that something else needs to go.

The last question is even more important in the culture we live in today.  Just because something looks great as a strategy today and even works for awhile does not mean that it will be viable in the next twelve months.  This means that nothing must become so sacred that it cannot be changed if necessary when a better plan is discovered.


Crisis Management

Posted by on June 29, 2009

Every individual and organization at some point in time will face a crisis and the way they respond will determine if the situation potentially becomes fatal or they experience a complete and total recovery.  I have learned a lot from personal experience on this subject over the years and probably the most important lesson is to be incredibly proactive and not stick your head in the sand and hope it will get better.

In Jack Welch’s great book Winning he gives some great advice on how he dealt with crisis situations at G.E.  These are his five guiding assumptions:

1.      The problem is worse than it appears—No matter how hard you might wish and pray; very few crises start small and stay that way.  The vast majority are bigger in scope than you could ever imagine with that first phone call and they will last longer and get more ugly.

2.      There are no secrets in the world, and everyone will eventually find out everything—Information that you try to shut down will eventually get out, and as it travels, it will certainly morph, twist and darken.   The only way to prevent that is to expose the problem yourself and tell the truth.

3.      You and your organization’s handling of the crisis will be portrayed in the worst possible light—The very nature of a crisis means that you and your organization will be portrayed in a light so negative you won’t even recognize yourself.  Don’t hunker down.  Along with disclosing the full extent of your problem you have got to stand up and define your position before someone else does for you.

4.      There will be changes in processes and people—Crisis requires change.  Sometimes a process fix is enough.  Usually not because the people affected by the crisis demand that someone be held responsible.

5.      The organization will survive, ultimately stronger for what happened—There is not a crisis you cannot learn from, even though you hate every one of them.  After a crisis is over the tendency is to put it away in a drawer.  Don’t, teach its lessons every chance you get.

The Power Of Momentum

Posted by on June 15, 2009

There are very few things more difficult to deal with in your personal or professional life than a loss of momentum.  It can be brought on by some major tragedy or a series of small compromises over a very long period of time.

Eventually we get to a place where we start worrying about things outside our control and that drains us of what little emotional energy we have left.  Also because we are so focused on the negative we stop doing the things we should and can do and that brings even more despair.

The only way to break this cycle is to start doing what you can do and build some small daily wins into your life.  This principle works with individuals as well as organizations.

With every small win comes movement and that generates confidence that things are finally headed in the right direction.  When we regain our confidence then we attempt even more things that product even bigger wins and the power of the momentum begins to put the wind back in our sails.

It is very ironic that when we get to the places of greatest difficulty in our lives it is the very smallest of things that can break the downward cycle.  We are desperately searching for the big answer that is going to solve all our problems when the solution was right in front of us all the time.

The good news is that the power of momentum works in a positive way to an even greater degree than it does toward the negative.  When you repeatedly do what you can do daily the positive flow of your life moves you beyond all the negative issues that may still be there but now they are in the proper perspective.

Clock Building Not Time Telling

Posted by on June 12, 2009

The days of all decisions being made solely at the top with a few people involved are fading fast.  Throughout the Industrial Age of leadership during the last half of 20th century this was the only model of leadership.  The overwhelming percentage of the workforce was for the most part simply telling time based on the clear instructions that were given for them to follow.

Today we are leading from an Information and Idea Age model of leadership.  The entire development process has been delegated to various teams so that everyone who can contribute will be involved.  In essence people are now being asked to help build the clock.

Most people think the changing role of the top executives is by far the most dramatic shift that has occurred.  In a sense of scope that may be true.  Key leaders today do not have to know all the answers to all the questions they only need to know what are the right questions to ask? 

There primary responsibility today is to make sure they have the best possible people on their team because the quality and success of the clocks they are making will determine the future success of the entire organization.

The most dramatic shift in leadership today certainly from a standpoint of scale is not at the top but in the middle of organizations.  There is a big difference in telling time compared to building clocks.  Today people are daily being asked what do you think and what would you recommend?

Many organizations are caught in the middle of this transition and seem to be stuck.  The problem could be that you are asking people who only know how to tell time to build clocks and they are not capable of making that change.  Don’t give up on clock building just find the right people who know how to build great clocks and you will be fine.

More Than Profits

Posted by on June 11, 2009

Everyone understands how important it is to make a profit if you want your organization to stay in business for the long run.  Incurring debt may be a short term solution but will only buy you some time and may even push your expenses beyond your revenue’s ability to keep up.

What is beginning to happen in corporate America because it is happening in our culture is that many people are moving beyond making a profit to making a difference.  The ultimate bottom line has got to go beyond hitting the numbers to helping other people.

This is particularly important to the next generation workforce that is currently in their twenties and early thirties.  They are connected to everything that is happening in the world and they want to make a difference. 

To this generation it matters how companies treat their employees and if they are willing to allow people a voice in what is determined to be important and what is not.  It also matters that the money that would have gone to the annual company picnic be donated this year to a organization that is feeding the hungry or providing clean water to people who have none.

Today motivating people to accomplish outstanding performance means that maybe one percent of our profits are given to others in need and we show we have a corporate conscious by telling everyone about it.  This goes way beyond just being politically correct to actually caring more about people than profits.



Big Hairy Audacious Goals

Posted by on June 9, 2009

There has always been a delicate balance in goal setting between what can be done and what could be done.  Goals should be realistic and achievable but they also must be courageous and challenging.  Safe is not good enough anymore and we must be willing to take risks that stretch us outside our comfort zone to achieve greatness.

I absolutely love this quote that is extremely timely in our current environment, “Far better to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much no suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory, nor defeat.”  Theodore Roosevelt, 1899

When President Kennedy said in the early 60’s we are going to land a man on the moon and return him safely by the end of this decade the overwhelmingly majority of people thought he had lost his mind, and yet we did it.

The world has changed dramatically in the last decade.  The power of technology and the globalization of all the world economies are driving change in unprecedented ways that no one could have imagined either just a few years ago.  When this recession is over we are never going back to the ways things used to be.

What goals are you setting for yourself and your organization that are commensurate for the challenges that lie ahead in the 21st century?  They must be big hairy and audacious if they are going to lead to outstanding performance.