Simply put everything you eventually accomplish in life will be based upon you personal leadership DNA. What you do is based upon who you are.
Someone has well said: ability may get you to the top but it takes character to keep you there. If you do not believe that then just ask the former governor of New York.
I had to learn the importance of this lesson very early in my career. I changed jobs four times in five years right out of college because I did not realize that the major problem was not the company I was working for or the supervisor that I had, the problem was me.
All I did was move from company to company and take all of my unresolved character problems with me expecting different results. I learned the hard way that if you are consistently failing where you are there is no real reason to believe that you will be successful somewhere else.
However, if you learn how to be successful where you are regardless of your circumstances and become an A Player then there is every reason to believe that you can be successful anywhere.