Cursing The Darkness

Posted by on March 24, 2019

As we enter this post-Christian period in America, I am deeply concerned that we still do not understand why we are increasingly ineffective in making disciples.  I hear everything blamed from emerging churches, seeker services, contemporary worship, reformed theology, postmodernism and watered down preaching just to name a few.

We certainly will never be able to solve the problem if we can not accurately diagnose the cause.  We must stop cursing the darkness and talking about everything that is wrong and start shinning the light about what is right.

We must start with the simple truth that the people who are not attending church are significantly culturally different from the people who are.  This means that all pastors in America must become missional in their methodology in order to reach new people or our churches will die.

The days of build it and they will come through transfer growth are over forever and in the end that is a very good thing.

We must stop preaching that the culture is our enemy.  It is simply the context in which we have been called to do ministry.  As a necessary reminder the modern culture with all its logic and reason was no friend to the gospel because it produced humanism and evolution.

I am extremely excited about the next generation and their passion for community, integrity, spirituality and service.  We need compassion for their lostness but respect for their uniqueness.

It is our responsibility to understand them if we want to reach them and not require them to become like us if they want to come to Christ.