How To Livestream Your Worship Service

Posted by on March 22, 2020

Most churches are already working through all of these practical issues but wanted to post just in case someone could be helped. So many challenges lie ahead but we are reminded more than ever that the church is not the buildings but the people. We can still leverage technology for eternal purposes and use this time to learn to trust the Father through all of this disruption. This post by The Gospel Coalition will be helpful:

“Among the many ramifications about the spread of COVID-19 is a sudden need for churches everywhere to rethink their Sunday services, moving from a physical to an online gathering for a season.

But livestreaming a sermon or Sunday service can be a daunting challenge, especially for small-to-medium-sized churches that lack the budget and team to execute such a production. The following is a practical guide for how small- or medium-sized churches can get started in livestreaming.”

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