One of the most important things I do as a leader is to monitor the margin I have in all of the life accounts included in my Life Plan. I believe in work-life integration and not balance. This allows me to have a short term deficit in one area as long as my overall margin is healthy. However, when my margin is gone in multiple areas, I am in serious danger of moving into burnout. This HBR post will help you in regaining control:
“You feel exhausted, ineffective, unaccomplished, and cynical. Maybe you feel like no matter how hard you work, you can never keep up. Or that you can’t make your boss happy no matter how hard you try. And you’re beginning to question your professional situation: Am I in the right job? The right company? The right career? I used to feel passionate about going into work but now I dread Monday and can’t wait until Friday. Will I ever feel excited about my life and work again?”
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