Prayer Is Activism

Posted by on June 19, 2020

It seems like in the midst of all this chaos it is impossible to say or do the right thing anymore. We know that saying or doing nothing is absolutely wrong. However, if we jump in and try to fix everything, we may abandon the gospel message as Christians and in the end that is our only hope.

The hard truth that I have had to deal with is that if I am talking to other people about all of this drama more than I am talking to the Father, I have failed to do the most important thing I can to help. We have lost a heavily vision of the power in prayer.

Prayer automatically resets our perspective that behind all this negative news is the biblical worldview that our great God is still sovereign. He did not cause all of this but He will use it for His glory and our good. I have to stop praying to stop it all just to get emotional relief, because I want Him to have all the time He needs to accomplish eternal things so many will come to know Him.

This post by Eugene Park is very encouraging: “As our nation reels from George Floyd’s death, many in the church feel compelled to do something. Responses have run the gamut from listening, learning, and lamenting to posting black squares on Instagram, donating, marching, and more.

Yet in our rush to engage, many of us have neglected the most potent form of activism at our disposal: prayer to the sovereign God of the universe.”

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