Promises We Make #2

Posted by on December 17, 2012

This is the second in a series of posts that I want to make about what I think is a very important subject, our most important relationships.  For the people we care about the most we should be willing to make a few critical promises to demonstrate our level of commitment to them.

The first promise in the series was I will carefully listen to what you have to say.  When we sincerely want to understand what the other person is feeling and thinking we acknowledge their value as a person.

The second promise is that I will always tell you the truth.  The foundation of any relationship is the trust that is shared when I know what you are telling me is the truth.

Obviously, I am not talking about saying that Susan Boyle should become a model. If you meet her tell her she looks good and really mean it.  However, she does have a beautiful voice and she reminded us all not to judge the character of a person by their outward appearance.

When we lie to someone it says more about us than it does about them.  Not telling the truth is our way of deflecting blame and not assuming personal responsibility.

If someone tells me something that really hurts but I know in my heart it is the truth then I can still respect and trust them.  When they make it up and tell me what is convenient for the moment I am the one who is ultimately hurt and they just burned a bridge that sometimes cannot be rebuilt.