We all need to ask ourselves what we really want out of life. For many, it is success and all the outward benefits and rewards that come from achievement in the corporate culture of our day.
I will never forget an interview that I saw with Tom Brady after he had won his last Super Bowl. After he talked about all the fame and fortune he had achieved, he then made the following statement, “there has to be more to life than this.”
There is and it is called significance, which is all about adding value to other people. I have talked with a lot of people near the very end of their lives.
The common denominator for all of these conversations is that when it is all said and done all that really matters is have we made a difference in the lives of other people.
Today if we are not careful, we are in danger of reducing all of our important relationships down to a few words on a voice mail message, likes on social media or a picture attachment to a text message.
Can someone be professionally successful and realize personal significance at the same time? Absolutely.
Everyone who has accomplished both has come to the critical understanding that professional success is only the means to the end of having personal significance through helping other people.