The Dip

Posted by on February 23, 2009

A good friend of mine exposed me to the writings of Seth Godin.  He is an expert on new marketing and the use of the internet with one of the most read blogs on the web.

The Dip is a book about knowing when to quit and on the other hand when to stick it out.  Every new project, job, relationship and hobby start out exciting and fun but at some point the newness wears off and the reality of how hard it really is sinks in. 

A Dip is a temporary setback that you can overcome if you stick it out and do not quit.  The other extreme is a cul-de-sac which is a situation that you should quit as soon as you know this is not what you need to be doing.

How do you know the difference?  Great question.  The key to me involves passion and excellence.

If you are not passionate about what you are doing then that is a clear sign that you are probably in a cul-de-sac.  To be able to break through all the problems we all face everyday requires a burning desire to do something you know that really makes a difference.

The other criteria require total transparent honesty with self.  You must evaluate if the product you are offering to the market is the quality that would make people want to participate in what you are doing.

If it is then you have every reason to hope that over time other people will hear about what you are doing and will buy in and even tell their network about your services.  The book is all about knowing when to quit the wrong stuff and stick it out with the right.