When I used to have very low self trust, I really needed other people both to like and agree with me in team meetings. This insecurity would cause me to say too much and lean in too hard to make sure everyone knew I was both smart and right. Once I learned to be secure in myself, it dramatically removed the burden of always having to be on offense.
The best thing you can do sometimes for your team is to say nothing and this Fast Company post reminds us why:
“Have more than thou showest/Speak less than thou knowest.”
That’s a quote from King Lear, a play by William Shakespeare, who was very good at writing things. As far as the plot goes, it probably revolves around a guy named King Lear who–I’m assuming–betrays someone, or gets betrayed, or something happens mid-betrayal–likely involving poison. The point is that I’ve never read King Lear, or much Shakespeare at all for that matter.