I don’t think I have ever been more grieved in my spirit when I read and watch all the things that are on my social media feed. The restraining grace of God has been withheld to show us just how much evil is in the world.
What I have resisted so far is not to add to the negative toxic chaos by trying to give my opinion and in reality just making things worse. What I have done is increased my prayer time for revival and a tremendous spiritual awakening that would result in millions being saved.
I know the Father is using all of this but we must be careful to not get in His way and become a part of the problem. Carey writes an incredibly timely post that is worth the read:
If your social feed is like mine, it looks like people are losing their minds. Christians too.
As the world has become more fragile than it has in perhaps my lifetime, my feed has gotten more and more polarized, partisan, angry, bizarre and downright weird in 2020.
What’s a little alarming is we haven’t even had the U.S. election yet.
I wish I could tell you Christians were the healing part of my feed, but that’s not the case.
Christians have been sucked into the nastiness, division and partisanship along with everyone else. Often Christians aren’t providing an alternative to the anger and outrage online, they’re fueling it.