Why Your Inner Circle Should Stay Small

Posted by on March 16, 2018

This idea is the exact opposites of what most people are advising today.  The larger your network the better, which means the more people you are connected with on social media the better, right?  Actually, wrong because they in reality are virtual connections and not real people who are committed to helping you reach your potential.  This HBR post is a great read:

“When it comes to networks, the bigger the better, right? Not necessarily. Carefully curate your most trusted, inner circle and you’ll be surprised at how much more valuable you’ll become to the larger community of people in the world who care about the same things you do.

We live in a time when “bigger is better” is the prevailing assumption when it comes to, well, just about anything. So it’s only natural for us to want to supersize our network of connections — both online and off — because the more people we know, the greater our chances of being exposed to opportunities that may lead to professional advancement, potential mentors, material success, and so on.”

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